
Monarch by Jostens

Reinventing how yearbooks are done in America

jostensis a great example of how Nutanix can not only deliver apps from the cloud, but change an entire industry. As the country’s leading manufacturer of high school yearbooks and custom class rings, Jostens has been a key part of the American high school experience for over a century. In that time, the process of creating yearbooks underwent several changes, and with the rollout of Monarch by Jostens in 2015 that process moved to the cloud. Today, tens of thousands of students across the US and Canada have created their yearbooks on Monarch, all powered by Nutanix.

More than just creating yearbooks

To understand what it means to do yearbook design in the cloud, we need to understand the overall significance of yearbook creation. Not only does Jostens provide a way for high school memories to be kept, but they also take part in the education of our country’s budding authors, photographers, journalists, editors, graphic designers, and publishers. Creating a high school yearbook is as challenging of a project as the production of any magazine or book — and it is one of the few physical creations produced in high school that holds lifelong significance. Students also learn realistic goal-setting, group collaboration, and team building.

Typically, each high school has at least one journalism class or a yearbook club with a teacher and/or faculty sponsor. It’s a tremendous collaborative project that runs the course of the entire school year. Of course, the methods of creating a yearbook have evolved over the years along with the publishing industry as a whole. And Jostens has always strived to help teach students by using the most modern methods available at the time so students would be well prepared for careers in publishing.

The evolution of yearbook creation


Unexpected challenges

但是,随着这种数字化转型,带来了一系列全新的挑战。现在,学校需要管理自己的计算基础架构和软件。通常,课程或俱乐部需要依靠其学区的IT部门提供计算机和布局必要的软件。这意味着它必须支持采购和安装最新版本的Adobe Indesign和Photoshop。他们还必须管理与Indesign集成的Jostens自己的软件,称为年UneyTech。最重要的是,由于年鉴设计是一个合作的过程,因此它涉及数百页设计和数千张照片的管理。所有这些数据都需要在整个年鉴团队中共享。因此,由学校IT部门负责设置和管理网络文件服务器,控制访问权限并确保数据不会丢失。


使事情变得更加复杂,由于预算限制,许多学校被困在旧硬件上。当他们可以购买新的硬件时,有时他们会选择Google Chromebook,而Google Chromebook根本无法运行Adobe工具或YearTech。最糟糕的是,一些学校未能备份数据,而学校文件服务器上不可避免地会失败,损失了几个月和数月的工作。所有这些挑战加起来,乔斯滕斯必须为学校提供的大量支持,只是为了保持一切正常。最终,所有这些挑战都限制了Jostens的高级年鉴设计过程的增长。


一种解决方案是创建一个在线年鉴创建工具Page Designer,该工具在2003年成为其年鉴大道平台的一部分。该系统允许Jostens控制创建过程的大多数方面,因为它是作为Web应用程序提供的。许多学校使用了新的解决方案,但没有解决想要教真实世界Adobe软件的顾问的差距。因此,在2014年秋天,Jostens Technology主管Betty Bacon着手寻找一种与Jostens YearTech从云中交付Adobe工具的方法。


由于Nutanix专门为从云到浏览器提供功能强大的Windows应用程序和工作流程而建立了其平台,因此Jostens从一开始就发现它是理想的合适性。XI Frame平台使船上Adobe Indesign和Photoshop与Jostens YearTech软件非常容易,因此,拥有十几个学校的POC在2015年春季很快就开始运行。relied on Xi Frame’s built-in integrations with Dropbox and Google Drive for managing data.

by working closely with both Nutaniz and Jostens at every step of the way.


Jostens已经拥有一个基于Web的身份验证系统,用于管理学校及其各自的学生和教师帐户。身份验证系统使用自定义的三部分方法,该方法需要唯一的学校标识符以及每个用户的用户名和密码。XI Frame的灵活身份验证系统已集成,以便用户可以登录Jostens的年鉴大街网站,并在框架(SSO)上自动进行身份验证。


jostenscustomers were used to high-performance access to a shared storage medium. While Dropbox and Google Drive could be adapted to serve this purpose, their performance was not ideal when as many as 30 users needed to simultaneously access a shared account. To address this need for high-performance, collaborative data management, Xi Frame enabled its managed utility server feature. This gave each school its own private storage space, which, combined with the Jostens-Frame authentication integration, made it possible to run all schools from a single multi-tenant account.

Students could still use their private Dropbox and Google Drive accounts as a mechanism for uploading photo images to the shared drive. They could also use the Xi Frame upload feature which uploads files from their local computer. Jostens also enabled uploads via their YearTech plugin. So, students have several choices for uploading data to suit a variety of needs.






For schools and students, the benefits were clear:

  • Work from anywhere:学校实验室或家里的PC或Mac
  • Work on any device:甚至移动设备和Chromebook都可以访问君主
  • 从多个来源引入数据: Google Drive, Dropbox, local files, smart phones
  • 安全地合作: each school gets its own private storage space
  • 知道数据是安全的,并且备份:确保已删除的文件并没有真正丢失
  • 零软件管理: No need to install software or fonts on the school computers and servers

The first big “thing” in yearbook publication was the invention of the digital camera 15 years ago. In my opinion this online partnership using a cloud server and an internet connection (Monarch) is the “next big thing.

Denise Ferguson, Alta High School, Utah


  • 极大地简化了管理: schools across all states and Canada are managed from just three regional accounts
  • 大幅降低了支持负担: call volumes and complexity of issues dropped as Jostens now only needs to maintain support for one OS/Adobe Tools/YearTech version
  • Cost effective:Jostens仅用于使用它们的使用费
  • Zero investment in hardware:Jostens不需要购买单个服务器,占用任何本地数据中心空间或进入复杂的共同定位服务协议
  • 即时更新:所有学校都可以通过单击一个按钮获得最新的软件版本
  • Automated scaling:立即访问应用程序,一次管理所有学校的能力


乔斯滕斯技术总监贝蒂·培根(Betty Bacon)

