


大卫·霍瓦斯(David Horvath)

在我以前的博客中,我概述了Frame™如何在Amazon Web Services(AWS)中携带您自己的(BYO)网络功能,可以用来以允许框架管理的工作负载VM连接到一个框架帐户现有的专用网络。最近添加帧远程协议(FRP)8已调整了用于工作负载连接的一些端口和协议。在此博客中,我将更新框架流网水设备(SGA)与新的FRP8网络环境的交互方式。

大卫·霍瓦斯(David Horvath)

NutanixFrame®桌面AS-A-Service(DAAS)长期以来一直通过实施支持私人网络工作负载Streaming Gateway Appliance (SGA)。On public cloud infrastructure, this capability can be automatically deployed upon account creation. As a part of this process, the Frame platform creates a Network Address Translation (NAT) Gateway to ensure that the workloads have a way to communicate back to the Frame control plane residing on the Internet. When deployed, this NAT GW does not provide network administrators the ability to control or restrict the outbound web traffic of the workloads. By combining an autodeployed SGA with Amazon® Web Service's (AWS) Network Firewall solution, a network administrator can get fine grained control of the outbound web traffic for Frame-managed workloads and still allow them to contact the Frame control plane. This blog will demonstrate how this can be done.

Stefan Gajic

今天,我们目睹了许多公司建设或将其基础设施转移到公共云上。在我们以前的博客之一中,我的同事戴维·霍瓦斯(David Horvath)解释了如何“带上自己的Azure网络来构架。”借助BYO网络,您指定的MicrosoftAzure®VNET中的NutanixFrame®DAAS解决方案规定框架管理的工作负载。访问该VNET的工作负载保留在您的专用网络中。

对于希望用户在没有VPN的Internet访问这些工作负载的客户,Nutanix提供了框架流网路设备(SGA),这是一个支持帧远程协议(FRP)7(基于Secure WebSocket)和8的安全反向代理(基于WEBRTC)。SGA允许您安全地授予用户访问在没有VPN的Azure Private VNET中运行的虚拟化应用程序和/或台式机。

大卫·霍瓦斯(David Horvath)

In my previous博客,我概述了Nutanix Frame™如何在Amazon Web Services(AWS)中携带您自己的(BYO)网络功能,可以用来以允许将其连接到现有专用网络的方式部署框架帐户。在那篇文章中,我部署了RDP堡垒服务器,因此由于没有私人网络,因此可以从基于Internet的计算机上访问这些私人帧工作负载。

在此博客中,我将演示如何使用框架自动流动网关设备(SGA)部署功能来授予Internet访问相同的私人工作负载,以便我不再需要RDP Bastion Server来访问私人网络。






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Transitioning virtual application and desktop environments from on-premises to the cloud in the past has been challenging due to security requirements, networking requirements, and overall unfamiliarity with cloud services. Our goal is to hide complexity and make end user computing (EUC) as simple and as easy as possible, while being flexible to support your own security and network requirements.
