
VU.City通过Nutanix Xi Frame开通访问3D数字城市双胞胎

VU.City选择了Nutanix Xi帧,提供了一个完全交互式的3D城市平台,用于可视化开发方案的影响。




  • 浏览器交付意味着客户不需要一个强大的系统与高端gpu使用VU。城市的应用程序
  • 易于访问权限可能开启VU.City,而不是只是属性开发人员和规划当局的更广泛的受众


  • Nutanix Xi框架桌面即服务(DaaS)在谷歌云平台上使用谷歌云图形处理器

在伦敦这样拥挤的城市规划建筑或校园可能是一个困难的过程,所以VU的创始人。城市used their expertise in the planning sector and 3D modelling to enable developers, architects, planning consultants, agents and local planning authorities to see exactly how a development will appear in situ before construction begins. Using the VU.CITY application, users can view schemes from street level, from nearby buildings, or from the vantage point of a protected vista, and make any necessary changes to the development at any early stage in the process. Until now, however, the application had to be deployed and run locally on a workstation or laptop.

我们不想让它看起来像用户正在登录远程桌面。用Xi Frame,我们已经设置好了,他们只需要点击VU。城市Cloud, and a few seconds later it launches straight into VU.CITY.




VU提供的详细程度。城市models means that the application requires hefty hardware, equivalent to a professional workstation or high-end gaming laptop equipped with a GPU accelerator. This causes issues for some potential customers, who may not have such high-end systems, and restricts the ability to scale out to a larger number of users.

“我们实际上创造了VU。城市product in a gaming engine called Unity 3D and it requires a really powerful computer, which has been a bit of an issue for us,” said Anthony Jenkins, Chief Product Officer at VU.CITY



总部位于伦敦的错觉。城市was already piloting a cloud-hosted delivery system when the UK was placed into lockdown because of the COVID-19 pandemic, which provided an opportunity to open up the pilot to its entire user base in order to allow their work to continue while employees had to remain at home.

该解决方案使用Nutanix Xi Frame在谷歌云平台上托管应用程序和交互式数字模型,用户可以通过浏览器访问。Xi框架是一个专门为云部署而设计的桌面即服务(DaaS)工具,这就是为什么它使用浏览器进行访问,而不是要求终端用户安装专用的查看器来访问远程应用程序。后者是实现VU无缝接入的关键部分。城市的客户。

“我们不想让它看起来像是他们在登录远程桌面,”詹金斯说。“现在我们有了Xi Frame,他们只需点击VU即可。城市云,几秒钟后它直接进入VU。城市,并提供他们的许可证信息,他们已经得到了哪些城市。”




随着Nutanix Xi框架已经在谷歌云平台上可用,VU。城市team found it simple to get their application deployed to the Frame service and up and running in the cloud. Because VU.CITY already used Google Cloud for its customer dashboard and cloud storage for customers to store project files, it was also easy to integrate with existing customer projects, and feedback from users has been good, according to VU.CITY.

“Customers like the local planning authorities, they were a bit stuck because of the hardware requirements of the application, so they’ve been absolutely loving it and there’s a lot of uptake, which is good because they are our most strategic customers as decision makers in this whole process,” said Jenkins.


使用VU.City Cloud运行并成功提供与本地运行应用程序和3D交互式数字模型的最终用户的同类经验,该公司现在正在寻找如何商业许可这种访问方法。甚至可能最终成为提供产品的主要路线。


VU.City还设定为扩大其支持的城市数量,以至于伦敦以外的3D交互式数字平台,以及世界各大城市目前可用的其他十几个其他人。该公司表示需要弄清楚扩展的最佳方式,而Nutanix Xi Frame将在帮助它实现这方面发挥关键部分。
