Wouldn't all the I/O go over the default and only SCSI controller for that VM? I am trying to distribute the I/O for logs, tempDB, etc over multiple SCSI controllers. It was worked well in our environment in which we leverage RDMs and would like to try to repeat this on the Nutanix side. Can you let me know if this is feasable and the best way to achieve it.
Best answer bymmcghee
\n\nWhen using iSCSI, storage traffic will go through the vNICs you have configured for the VM. From a performance perspective there are some cases where having muliple vNICs can help, like when CPU utilization is high due to a lot of IOPs. Multiple vNICs can help to balance the network operations across multiple cores. Enabling RSS helps with this but multiple vNICs can also have a benefit. If you have concerns you could add another vNIC and then balance the iSCSI sessions across the two.