Join this episode for more Stories from the EUC Road as Sean Donahue (Nutanix) and Al Solorzano (E360) tackle this all too familiar question. But does it have to an \u201cOR\u201d statement? Can you have an \u201cAND\u201d statement instead? Tune in to learn more about performance in EUC, happy employees and how you might sleep better at night in the age of Malware and Ransomware.<\/p>
- Build a Fortress with Data Lens for Free!<\/a><\/li>\t
- Put an end to Storage worries with Unified Data Services<\/a><\/li>\t
- Nutanix Data Lens Powers Data Management and Ransomware Protection<\/a><\/li>\t
- Nutanix boosts data management services in the cloud<\/a><\/li>\t
- Nutanix Files 4.1 anti-ransomware: Through the Data Lens<\/a><\/li><\/ul>
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on\u00a0Twitter<\/a>\u00a0and if you haven't already done so, make sure you are subscribed to the show wherever you consume podcasts.<\/p>","id":41549,"featuredImage":"https:\/\/\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/37f39b2c-81e8-4d39-b975-e36c6928551a_thumb.png","label":"Blog","replyCount":0,"views":271,"post":{"id":63285,"author":{"id":7898,"url":"\/members\/aluciani-7898","name":"aluciani","avatar":"https:\/\/\/nutanix-us\/icon\/200x200\/77accf89-4f79-48be-81e6-c2ac5507e29b.png","userTitle":"Chevalier","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Chevalier","color":"#660099"},"userLevel":7},"content":"Join this episode for more Stories from the EUC Road as Sean Donahue (Nutanix) and Al Solorzano (E360) tackle this all too familiar question. But does it have to an \u201cOR\u201d statement? Can you have an \u201cAND\u201d statement instead? Tune in to learn more about performance in EUC, happy employees and how you might sleep better at night in the age of Malware and Ransomware.<\/p><\/oembed>Resources<\/p>
- Build a Fortress with Data Lens for Free!<\/a><\/li>\t
- Put an end to Storage worries with Unified Data Services<\/a><\/li>\t
- Nutanix Data Lens Powers Data Management and Ransomware Protection<\/a><\/li>\t
- Nutanix boosts data management services in the cloud<\/a><\/li>\t
- Nutanix Files 4.1 anti-ransomware: Through the Data Lens<\/a><\/li><\/ul>
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on\u00a0Twitter<\/a>\u00a0and if you haven't already done so, make sure you are subscribed to the show wherever you consume podcasts.<\/p>","url":"\/community-blog-154\/nutanix-community-podcast-the-age-old-euc-paradigm-do-you-choose-performance-or-security-41549?postid=63285#post63285","creationDate":"2023-01-24T14:47:48+0000","relativeCreationDate":"21 days ago"},"contentType":"article","type":3,"likes":2,"hasCurrentUserLiked":false},"phrases":{"Forum":{"{n} year|{n} years":"{n} year|{n} years","{n} month|{n} months":"{n} month|{n} months","{n} day|{n} days":"{n} day|{n} days","{n} hour|{n} hours":"{n} hour|{n} hours","{n} minute|{n} minutes":"{n} minute|{n} minutes","just":"just now","{plural} ago":"{plural} ago"}}}">
有谁在Nutanix上运行SAP有一定的经验,它是否在HyperV或VMware上运行都没有关系。Oracle或MS SQL是可以的。
\nWe have a number of customers running SAP in different parts of the world (including with Hyper-V and SQL Server). SQL Server for SAP is becoming a popular choice, mainly due to decreased maintenance costs vs Oracle. The important thing to validate is that the performance of the environment will meet your requirements of the database based on the node types you have or are selecting for SAP. Our SQL on Nutanix Best Practice guide can help with regard to how to set up SQL Server for best performance. I'm also working on an Oracle Best Practice guide that will be published shortly.
\nWe are also aiming to publish guides for SAP for our platform in the near future and will make those available on our product info page - \/\/\/resources\/product-info\/. Please let us know if we can be of more assistance. I'm sure your local Nutanix SE's would also be very keen to discuss your SAP requirements.
\nVMware Press recently published a book titled Virtualizing SQL Server with VMware: Doing IT Right, I was one of the co-authors of this book and it includes a section on Nutanix, and some information regarding SAP and SQL Server. It may be a useful resource for you.","className":"post__content__best_answer"}">
我来自HP业务关键解决方案,SAP HANA怎么样?在SAP HANA设备上,有一个用于虚拟化SAP HANA的SKU。我正在检查虚拟化SAP HANA将使用运行SUSE Linux平台的VMware技术运行SAP HANA的后端应用程序。因此,SAP HANA由VMware支持,VMware由Nutanix支持。Nutanix有任何澄清或证书吗?
为了运行SAP HANA虚拟化用于生产,需要使用经过认证的设备,在该设备上,运行VMware管理程序的特定硬件已通过SAP和VMware进行了认证。对于非生产工作负载,您可能可以在非认证设备上运行,但是您需要对SAP进行支持。SAP HANA最近宣布了对E5处理器的支持,但以前只是E7。在此阶段,Nutanix在我们的平台中只有E5处理器。Nutanix目前没有任何SAP HANA认证的电器,尽管我们计划在该领域与SAP合作开发合适的设备。我建议您与当地的Nutanix团队联系以获取更多信息,随着计划的制定,我们可以让您知道情况。
Nutanix平台中是否支持SAP HANA?
当我们努力为SAP HANA提供Nutanix解决方案时,尚无可用。我们计划开发一种利用我们的Web量表功能的解决方案,并将其与SAP环境的最终用户体验相结合。这将花费一些时间,我们正在与合作伙伴合作并进行SAP的必要认证流程。在此阶段,没有时间范围。当有一些进展宣布时,将发布公开公告。我们可以帮助客户在不需要完整的SAP支持的Nutanix上进行实验并评估Nutanix上的非生产HANA实例。在SAP和Nutanix获得全面认证和支持之前,情况就是如此。