In this episode, Sean Donahue is joined by Al Solorzano of E360 to discuss the worst disasters they've recovered from. Surprise twist, not all clouds are cumulonimbus and not all disasters are natural.<\/p><\/oembed>


SQL许可 - Nutanix如何处理每个核心问题的成本?

徽章 +2
关于SQL许可 - Nutanix如何处理每个核心问题的成本?

pertaining to the cost per cpu




UserLevel 4
徽章 +19
徽章 +2
徽章 +3
我与我们的许可代表交谈的理解是,您需要SA才能迁移SQL Server。如果您在没有SA的情况下迁移,那么您从技术上讲,您没有许可,而BSA可以为您标记。

Also, with SA you're entitled to being able to migrate to another cluster, but only twice a month. This is extremely handy if you need to migrate between racks or datacenters for outages.
UserLevel 3
徽章 +19
从根本上讲,使用Nutanix根本不会改变SQL Server的许可。这与您在任何其他虚拟化环境中获得许可SQL Server一样。但是,由于您可能能够获得额外的性能,您可能能够合并更多的SQL Server VM每个物理节点/主机,因此,如果许可完整主机(主机上的所有CPU),则可以有效地减少该节点和/或内核的数量总体上需要获得许可。如果您只有一个SQL Server或其中一些在较大的群集中,那么您可能会通过使用VCPU的许可获得许可。微软在我的经验中具有灵活的许可条款,只要您要支付软件保证费用即可。最好的许可选项将取决于您的要求,并且由于许可是复杂的性质,并且拥有高的美元影响力,从适当的合格许可专家那里获得独立建议是最好的。
我的关注者问题只是为了清楚SQL的最大虚拟化许可模型。MS许可指南指出,要使用Max Virtualization,我们必须具有SW保证,并且还必须在物理服务器中许可所有核心...那么它如何与Nutanix一起使用?


so from that case, If I have shared cluster of SQL and Sharepoint that has 8 nodes with 24 cores each, and SQL will nominally run on 4 of the nodes (but can run on any 4) then we would have to license SQL on all 196 cores in the Cluster..

In my experience MS are flexable as hell about licenses until it comes time for License true-up which always seems to coincide with a multi million dollar bill at the end of year - we always assume someone needs a Christmas Bonus.... but you can see why we are concerned about this...
UserLevel 2
徽章 +13
我们也对此主题感兴趣,因为我们在Nutanix上实施SharePoint / SQL Enterprise SA。

I was under impression that we license the cores of the VM i.e. if we license SQL 8 cores then we can either use either 1 SQL server with 8 cores configured or x2 with 4 each etc. or alternatively if we license all cores in the cluster for SQL server then we can run as many instances as we like.


徽章 +5
使用“核心”许可,您必须将许可证分配给OSI或硬件 - 允许无限的OSI。

You don't have to license the full cluster (but may want to), just the hosts you want to run it on, and then use a "policy" to make sure the OSI only runs on the licensed hosts.
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