

  • 2018年5月29日
  • 6个答复
  • 1966年的观点

UserLevel 2
徽章 +5
  • 开拓者
  • 10个答复


@dlink7<\/user-mention> for the good info on expected performance under ideal situations. That does give me a good baseline.
\r\nOur issue is definitely latency. Our remote site is across the continental US, and our per VM size is 30TB (10TB used) on a single disk. as you can imagine, this creates a bottleneck for us. Replications with default settings are not meeting RPO.
\r\nOur AOS version is 5.5.2.
\r\nI have found (with help from support) these tunable settings within the cluster:
nutanix@NTNX:~$ python \/home\/nutanix\/serviceability\/bin\/edit-aos-gflags | grep stargate_
2018-06-08 10:00:09 INFO zookeeper_session.py:110 edit-aos-gflags is attempting to connect to Zookeeper
stargate_cerebro_replication_max_rpc_vblocks = 16 #default 4
stargate_cerebro_replication_max_rpc_data = 4194304 #default 1048576
stargate_cerebro_max_outstanding_vdisk_replication_rpcs = 16 #default 4
stargate_cerebro_replication_param_multiplier = 32 #default 16
stargate_vdisk_read_extents_max_outstanding_egroup_reads = 6 #default 3
\r\nI am putting together a helpful howto on how to tune these parameters, but the gist of it is editing with...
nutanix@NTNX:~$ python \/home\/nutanix\/serviceability\/bin\/edit-aos-gflags --service=stargate
\r\n...then restarting stargate on each cvm.
\r\nThe restarts went perfectly with a sleep 60 in there, we had no failure on running replications, and our throughput went up ~4x as expected. our 12 day running replications began to finish.
\r\nmy ultimate solution is two fold. first, the above settings to accelerate each stream. second, we are working to break out our 30TB disk in to 10x 3TB disks.
\r\nRE: going off stock; I think that as nutanix grows in to more environments (and they will, the technology is amazing and i foresee continued adoption) there are going to be many more flavors of environments that sticking to stock options just wont solve. I expect in the next few years that nutanix will pivot in to a more open position. I'd love to see some of these settings within reach of the prism GUI along with some better man, info pages on what each individual setting and switch does.
\r\nThat being said, your warning about going off stock is noted and appreciated. i understand that nutanix attempts to tune AOS as well as possible out of the box, and that tuning these settings can have an impact (sometimes bad, sometimes good). Therefore, I will only seek a behavior change in the technology to achieve some desired result.","className":"post__content__best_answer"}">



UserLevel 4
徽章 +19

在雅典卫城,每个节点都可以复制四个文件,一次总计100 mb/s。因此,在四节点配置中,群集可以复制400 MB/s或3.2 GB/s。


UserLevel 7
徽章 +34
你好 @penguindows

你看到的答复了吗 @dlink7
UserLevel 2
徽章 +5
是的,我看到dlink7,答复。谢谢 @dlink7有关理想情况下预期性能的好信息。这确实给了我一个很好的基准。




nutanix@ntnx:〜$ python/home/nutanix/serviceability/bin/edit-aos-gflags |grep stargate_
2018-06-08 10:00:09信息Zookeeper_session.py:110 Edit-Aos-Gflags正在尝试连接到Zookeeper
stargate_cerebro_replication_max_rpc_vblocks = 16 #default 4
stargate_cerebro_replication_max_rpc_data = 4194304 #default 1048576
stargate_cerebro_max_outantate_vdisk_replication_rpcs = 16 #default 4
stargate_cerebro_replication_param_multiplier = 32 #default 16
stargate_vdisk_read_extents_max_outantate_egroup_egroup_reads = 6 #default 3


nutanix@ntnx:〜$ python/home/nutanix/serviceability/bin/edit-aos-gflags -service = stargate



我的最终解决方案是两倍。首先,以上设置加速了每个流。其次,我们正在努力将30TB磁盘分解为10x 3TB磁盘。

回复:库存;我认为,随着Nutanix的发展到更多的环境(它们将会,这项技术是惊人的,我预见的是继续采用),将会有更多的环境风味,这些环境会坚持使用库存期权。我希望在接下来的几年中,Nutanix将转移到更开放的位置。我很想在Prism GUI以及一些更好的男人以及每个单独的设置和切换所做的信息页面上看到其中的一些设置。

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