默认情况下,所有Nutanix容器都是薄配置的;这是NDFS的一个特性。精简配置是一种被广泛接受的技术,已经被多家存储供应商(包括VMware)证明了这一点。由于容器默认作为NFS数据存储呈现给VMware vSphere主机,所有虚拟机也会默认进行精简配置。这极大地提高了存储容量利用率,而不会对传统性能造成影响。如果需要用于有限的用例,如容错(FT)或要求很高的数据库和I/O工作负载,则可以使用VMDK级别的粗配置。可以通过创建Eager Zero Thick vmdk来完成普通发放。Eager Zero Thick vmdk将自动保证NDFS中的空间预留。
这就是脱节的地方。当我提供一个延迟置零或即时置零的1TB VM时,这两者都会导致容器存储利用率上升2TB(使用的复制因子为2)。我希望只看到主动置零的VM引起跳转,因为lazy应该被精简配置。此外,当我创建一个延迟置零的虚拟机,在虚拟机创建完成后,磁盘被列为主动置零?
\n\nThick ANY causes NOS to reserve the space on the backend. The only difference is whether it zeros it out up front or not, as you know lazy vs eagar.
\nThis is because if you are telling Nutanix you want thick, we dont want to accidently have the system run out of space, like some other storage systems do, so we'll respect that lazy reservation for you automagically.
\nSummary - the jump you are seeing is because we automatically reserve the space. This doesnt mean we zero it out for you, just make a reservation.
\nAnyhow, fun fact, win NOS 4.6, we added Zero avoidance to the write cache layer (aka oplog), so zero operations should be much faster now, because we just see the zero and update metadata, instead of writing the zero to cache. very slick and cool stuff.","className":"post__content__best_answer"}">