我们有两个nutanix群集在每个nutanix群集上运行ESXI V6.7.0,每个Nutanix簇在每个上都有一个Horizon 7 VDI环境。我们需要能够通过某些公共存储在簇之间同步。
我们使用的解决方案是一个群集发布的NFS共享的Freenas VM,然后在两个群集中都将其附加到主机上。我们不会为高可用性而烦恼,因为当AppVolumes的复制下降时,这并不是一个问题,因为只有在更改AppVolumes或他们对用户的作业正在改变时才需要它。
NCC升级后,Prism Element现在将此外部数据存储量为不支持。我正在努力从支持群集的稳定性的实际风险中找到什么(尤其是在升级Firmwares,AOS等方面)。
I did\u00a0mention\u00a0this to Support but they said it would also fail the NCC check as it would \u201cstill use the vmkernel and CVM for the IO\u201d.<\/p>
There\u2019s actually a solution article for the exact setup\u00a0and situation we\u2019re in (bottom section): VMware App Volumes in a Multisite Deployment<\/a><\/p> Apparently what that\u00a0article suggests would also be flagged up by NCC under this check!<\/p> Nutanix have now advised me that they believe the risk in our case to be minimal and to leave as is.<\/p>","className":"post__content__best_answer"}">