我们正在将4个节点簇扩展到6个节点。主机的安装成功使用了Foundation VM。但是,服务器安装了NVIDIA卡,因此我们也需要安装驱动程序。当群集使用两个额外的节点扩展时,我对命令“ install_host_package”的理解是,它将在所有带有NVIDIA卡的主机上安装驱动程序。即使是那些已经有驱动程序的那些。为此,它将迁移VM,并将主机投入维护。这对我们来说不是一个选择,因为我们要扩展群集的原因是当前群集已经被超载。我正在寻找一种安装驱动程序的方法,而不会干扰启动环境。例如,是否有一种方法可以在扩展群集之前安装驱动程序?
You could therefore just as easily manually install it using the same overall procedure as the removal procedure, but installing it instead of uninstalling. The overall manual\u00a0uninstall is partially described at the end of KB7973.<\/p>
They tell you to contact support for the details, but the only bits missing are how to put the AHV node into maintenance mode, there\u2019s an article for that: Putting a Node into Maintenance Mode<\/a><\/p> shut the cvm down as well before doing the install.<\/p> They also don\u2019t mention how to uninstall the RPM package, fortunately the RPM command cheat-sheet is easy to understand: https:\/\/www.cyberciti.biz\/howto\/question\/linux\/linux-rpm-cheat-sheet.php<\/a><\/p> uninstall: the install:
rpm -ev [package_name}\u00a0<\/p>
rpm -ivh {rpm-file}<\/p>","className":"post__content__best_answer"}">