一个关于节点(在新的同构集群中)中SSD容量到HDD容量大小的问题。当指定节点中的驱动器空间时,每个节点的SSD与HDD的百分比至少是多少。有没有什么最佳实践指南可以给我指点?我不是问hdd的数量vs ssd的数量。
问题是容量,而不是数量或驱动器。例如,我配置了一个带有4TB SSD (2x1.92TB)和60TB HDD (10 x6tb)的节点,Nutanix Sizer认为这很好。这大概是6.25%的SSD,但是混合节点的SSD最小容量应该是6%,好吧,还是应该是10%或20%(或更多)?
The problem there may possibly be with the performance of the cluster. It will greatly depend on what kind of workload you run there. If you want to run OLTP databases or any heavy IOPS workload with low latency expectations, it might be a good idea to size more SSD. If you plan to have a lot of cold data and latency is not that important, smaller SSD tier size will do. We generally recommend to never size the SSD tier below 10% of the total capacity, but overall the higher SSD ratio, the better performance you will get.<\/p>
You should also check your working set size and it should fit into the SSD tier. Check with the application owners how much new data\u00a0do their applications write per day. You can also check the incremental backup sizes. Incremental daily backups will have the data from the last day only, so it will provide some indication of how much new data is generated daily. Aim to make sure that the working set will fit into the 75% of the SSD tier and don\u2019t forget about the RF2\/RF3. And of course leave some free space for the future growth.<\/p>","className":"post__content__best_answer"}">