I'd like to be able to measure the virtual disk metrics for a specific workload (backup). Preferably without any layer in between so I can really see what the workload does.
Idea is to use a virtual machine on NTNX as a backup server and see what kind of parameters I use for the backup storage.
Is it possible to present a container on the CVM as an SMB share and write my backup on it? Or would it be best to use the Windows NFS client to access an export on the CVM?
I'd like to purchase a separate storage platform for the backups. But since I'm not really sure what kind of IO patern and throughput I need to sustain, I'd like to test and measure before we buy.
Best answer byshuguet
\n\nAnd yes, you are right, Nutanix support SMBv3 for Hyper-V, but again, only to store VMs, not user files or backup, etc.