Join us for a virtual Nutanix User Group meeting with Jarian Gibson as he covers Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2) on Azure and AWS with Citrix. <\/span><\/p>

Jarian will take a deep dive into NC2 on Azure architecture and Citrix on NC2 on Azure\u00a0that helps you strengthen your business continuity and disaster recovery position. He\u2019ll also provide the latest updates for NC2 on AWS.<\/span><\/p>

Plus, we're\u00a0giving away a Nutanix suitcase to one lucky winner!\u00a0Opt-in when you register\u00a0to be entered to win.\u00a0<\/p>","author":{"id":113632,"url":"\/members\/karlie-beil-113632","name":"Karlie Beil","avatar":"https:\/\/\/nutanix-us\/icon\/200x200\/1581aab3-bcf6-49f4-b2fb-3d11e8c010dc.png","userTitle":"Community Manager","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Community Manager","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":4},"type":"Webinar","url":"https:\/\/\/events\/global-nug-nc2-on-azure-and-aws-with-citrix-151","image":"https:\/\/\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/f9693b5b-436b-427a-9b98-531b4040ff24_thumb.png","location":"","startsAt":1678298400,"endsAt":1678302000,"contentType":"event","attendees":[],"attendeeCount":0,"isLoggedInUserAttendee":false,"createdAt":"1675974969"},"phrases":{"Forum":{"{n} year|{n} years":"{n} year|{n} years","{n} month|{n} months":"{n} month|{n} months","{n} day|{n} days":"{n} day|{n} days","{n} hour|{n} hours":"{n} hour|{n} hours","{n} minute|{n} minutes":"{n} minute|{n} minutes","just":"just now","{plural} ago":"{plural} ago"}}}">


警告 - 主机未连接到vCenter

徽章 +2





Warning alert -\u00a0\u201chosts are not connected to the vCenter\u201d<\/strong><\/em> is generated on Prism due to the following\u00a0NCC\u00a0check -\u00a0vsphere_cluster_configuration_check<\/strong>\u00a0. As mentioned in KB-5369<\/a>,\u00a0this vsphere_cluster_configuration_check<\/em> validates that all the ESXi hosts in a Nutanix cluster are all registered to the same vCenter Server and that all the ESXi hosts are in a connected state with the registered vCenter Server.<\/p>

Since you are getting \u2018Hosts with IPs <Host IPs> are not connected to a vCenter Server<\/strong><\/em>\u2019 alert, hence kindly check the following things mentioned in KB-5369<\/a> to resolve this issue:<\/p>

  1. One or more ESXi hosts are not connected to the registered vCenter Server.<\/li>\t
  2. \u00a0Ensure all hosts are in a \"connected\" state in vCenter. If not, resolve the connectivity issue.<\/li>\t
  3. If all hosts are \"connected\" in vCenter, confirm that all ESXi hosts in the Nutanix cluster are connected to the same vCenter server. If all hosts are not connected to the same vCenter Server, then this is not a supported configuration and the affected hosts must be moved to the same vCenter Server. For example, on a 6-node Nutanix cluster, having 3 ESXi hosts connected to vCenter Server A and the other 3 ESXi hosts connected to vCenter Server B will trigger this health check to WARN.<\/li>\t
  4. If there are hosts connected to Datacenter directly, the cluster needs to be created on the vCenter side and the host to be added to reflect the same config from the Nutanix cluster side.\u00a0A cluster on the vCenter side is needed for VM management from Prism to work.\u00a0vCenter Server -> Datacenter(s) -> ESXi host(s).\u00a0<\/em>Refer to vCenter Configuration Guide<\/a> on Support Portal for more details on creating Nutanix cluster on vCenter.\u00a0<\/li>\t
  5. If you have checked all of the above, attempt to remove and re-add the vCenter configuration via \"Prism > Settings (gear icon) > vCenter Registration > Unregister (Button).\"<\/li><\/ol>





UserLevel 6
徽章 +16

如果您想将主机注册到vCenter,这就是您的工作方式:注册vCenter服务器(Prism Central)

徽章 +2

嗨,Primzy,谢谢您的答复。将vCenter注册到Prism Element a必须吗?顺便说一句,我的问题是关于棱镜显示的警告“主机与vCenter无关”。

UserLevel 6
徽章 +16


UserLevel 3
徽章 +5

警告警报 -“主机没有连接到vCenter”由于以下NCC检查,在棱镜上生成 -vsphere_cluster_configuration_check。如前所述KB-5369, 这vsphere_cluster_configuration_check验证Nutanix群集中的所有ESXI主机均已注册到同一vCenter服务器,并且所有ESXI主机都与注册的vCenter Server处于连接状态。

因为你得到了‘带有IPS <主机IP>的主机未连接到vCenter服务器’警报,因此请检查以下内容KB-5369解决此问题:

  1. 一个或多个ESXI主机未连接到注册的vCenter服务器。
  2. 确保所有主机处于vCenter中的“连接”状态。如果不是,请解决连接问题。
  3. 如果所有主机在vCenter中都“连接”,请确认Nutanix群集中的所有ESXI主机都连接到同一vCenter服务器。如果所有主机都没有连接到同一vCenter服务器,则这不是受支持的配置,并且必须将受影响的主机移至同一vCenter服务器。例如,在一个6节点的Nutanix群集上,具有连接到vCenter Server A的3个ESXI主机,而连接到vCenter Server B的其他3个ESXI主机将触发此健康检查以警告。
  4. 如果有直接连接到数据中心的主机,则需要在vCenter侧创建群集,并且要添加主机,以从Nutanix群集侧反射相同的配置。从Prism到工作的VM管理,需要在vCenter方面进行集群。vCenter服务器 - >数据中心 - > ESXI主机。参考vCenter配置指南在支持门户网站上,有关在vCenter上创建Nutanix群集的更多详细信息。
  5. 如果您已经检查了上述所有内容,请尝试通过“ Prism>“设置(Gear Icon)”>“ vCenter Incumtration> Unregister(button)”(按钮)删除并重新添加vCenter配置。”

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