If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter and if you haven't already done so, make sure you are subscribed to the show wherever you consume podcasts.<\/p>","id":41300,"featuredImage":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/4d09f445-5bc6-443a-95c4-f89be85ca24a_thumb.png","label":"Blog","replyCount":0,"views":269,"post":{"id":62428,"author":{"id":7898,"url":"\/members\/aluciani-7898","name":"aluciani","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/200x200\/77accf89-4f79-48be-81e6-c2ac5507e29b.png","userTitle":"Chevalier","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Chevalier","color":"#660099"},"userLevel":7},"content":" This week on the podcast, Dwayne chats with Marc Trouard-Riolle, about Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2) on Azure and how to get started. Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2) on Microsoft Azure enables your applications to be run where you want them, on-premises or in the public cloud, all operated as a single cloud.<\/p> If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter and if you haven't already done so, make sure you are subscribed to the show wherever you consume podcasts.<\/p>","url":"\/community-blog-154\/nutanix-community-podcast-nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-on-azure-41300?postid=62428#post62428","creationDate":"2022-10-25T13:29:23+0000","relativeCreationDate":"20 days ago"},"contentType":"article","type":3,"likes":5,"hasCurrentUserLiked":false},"phrases":{"Forum":{"{n} year|{n} years":"{n} year|{n} years","{n} month|{n} months":"{n} month|{n} months","{n} day|{n} days":"{n} day|{n} days","{n} hour|{n} hours":"{n} hour|{n} hours","{n} minute|{n} minutes":"{n} minute|{n} minutes","just":"just now","{plural} ago":"{plural} ago"}}}">
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This version of Mine is a fully integrated data protection appliance that combines the Nutanix AOS and Objects software with the HYCU Data Protection for Enterprise Clouds solution. Mine can provide data protection for applications running in a Nutanix cluster and also for other virtualized workloads running in your datacenter.<\/span><\/p> Mine includes the following features:<\/span><\/p> Enterprise-grade data protection to any workload in your datacenter.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t Integrated installation and configuration experience.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t Integrated management experience.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t Seamless scale-out, self-healing, and break-fix functionality.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li><\/ul> Note:\u00a0<\/span><\/p> The Mine cluster is not a disaster recovery solution, thus restoring primary or production workloads to the Mine cluster is not supported currently.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t Attempting to run restored VMs on a Mine cluster disrupts the HA functionality of the cluster.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t If a node fails, the system might not be able to recover all the HYCU services automatically.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li><\/ul> Nutanix Mine with HYCU is a high-performance backup and recovery solution for the Nutanix hyper-converged platform.<\/span><\/p> HYCU is fully integrated with Nutanix, making data protection easy to deploy and simple to use. Nutanix Mine with HYCU allows you to manage production (primary) and backup (secondary) infrastructures using Nutanix Prism. You can order Nutanix Mine with HYCU as a single SKU that enables you to deploy and to scale up a turnkey backup solution.<\/span><\/p> For information on performing various tasks, such as deploying and upgrading HYCU to a Nutanix cluster, registering HYCU with Nutanix Prism, and accessing HYCU from the Nutanix Prism web console for Nutanix Mine with HYCU, see <\/span>HYCU User Guide<\/span><\/a>.<\/span><\/p>","url":"\/mine-integrated-backup-172\/mine-with-hycu-40468?postid=60002#post60002","creationDate":"2021-12-29T06:19:09+0000","relativeCreationDate":"10 months ago"},"isTopicUnread":true,"privateId":43007,"id":40468,"type":"post","hasCurrentUserLiked":false,"isSticky":false,"features":[],"forum":{"id":172,"isIdeation":false,"url":"\/mine-integrated-backup-172","title":"Mine Integrated Backup","description":"Data Protection for Modern Business Environments"},"url":"\/mine-integrated-backup-172\/mine-with-hycu-40468","title":"Mine with HYCU","lastPost":{"id":60002,"author":{"id":49844,"url":"\/members\/raaji-49844","name":"raaji","avatar":"","userTitle":"Nutanix Employee","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"icon":"37a898b2-5836-48f7-8638-a2655ab662a1.png","iconUrl":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/37a898b2-5836-48f7-8638-a2655ab662a1.png","avatarIcon":"7e8707dd-f993-470f-800f-3adc68e91f02_thumb.png","avatarIconUrl":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/7e8707dd-f993-470f-800f-3adc68e91f02_thumb.png","name":"Nutanix Employee","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":2},"content":" Nutanix Mine is the product name for joint solutions between Nutanix and select data protection software vendors. Nutanix Mine is a dedicated backup solution, where only backup component VMs run on the Mine cluster and the cluster storage is used to store backup workloads.<\/span><\/p> This version of Mine is a fully integrated data protection appliance that combines the Nutanix AOS and Objects software with the HYCU Data Protection for Enterprise Clouds solution. Mine can provide data protection for applications running in a Nutanix cluster and also for other virtualized workloads running in your datacenter.<\/span><\/p> Mine includes the following features:<\/span><\/p> Enterprise-grade data protection to any workload in your datacenter.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t Integrated installation and configuration experience.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t Integrated management experience.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t Seamless scale-out, self-healing, and break-fix functionality.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li><\/ul> Note:\u00a0<\/span><\/p> The Mine cluster is not a disaster recovery solution, thus restoring primary or production workloads to the Mine cluster is not supported currently.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t Attempting to run restored VMs on a Mine cluster disrupts the HA functionality of the cluster.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t If a node fails, the system might not be able to recover all the HYCU services automatically.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li><\/ul> Nutanix Mine with HYCU is a high-performance backup and recovery solution for the Nutanix hyper-converged platform.<\/span><\/p> HYCU is fully integrated with Nutanix, making data protection easy to deploy and simple to use. Nutanix Mine with HYCU allows you to manage production (primary) and backup (secondary) infrastructures using Nutanix Prism. You can order Nutanix Mine with HYCU as a single SKU that enables you to deploy and to scale up a turnkey backup solution.<\/span><\/p> For information on performing various tasks, such as deploying and upgrading HYCU to a Nutanix cluster, registering HYCU with Nutanix Prism, and accessing HYCU from the Nutanix Prism web console for Nutanix Mine with HYCU, see <\/span>HYCU User Guide<\/span><\/a>.<\/span><\/p>","url":"\/mine-integrated-backup-172\/mine-with-hycu-40468?postid=60002#post60002","creationDate":"2021-12-29T06:19:09+0000","relativeCreationDate":"10 months ago"},"numberOfUnreadReplies":0,"numberOfReplies":0,"numberOfLikes":1,"relevantPost":{"id":60002,"author":{"id":49844,"url":"\/members\/raaji-49844","name":"raaji","avatar":"","userTitle":"Nutanix Employee","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"icon":"37a898b2-5836-48f7-8638-a2655ab662a1.png","iconUrl":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/37a898b2-5836-48f7-8638-a2655ab662a1.png","avatarIcon":"7e8707dd-f993-470f-800f-3adc68e91f02_thumb.png","avatarIconUrl":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/7e8707dd-f993-470f-800f-3adc68e91f02_thumb.png","name":"Nutanix Employee","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":2},"content":" Nutanix Mine is the product name for joint solutions between Nutanix and select data protection software vendors. Nutanix Mine is a dedicated backup solution, where only backup component VMs run on the Mine cluster and the cluster storage is used to store backup workloads.<\/span><\/p> This version of Mine is a fully integrated data protection appliance that combines the Nutanix AOS and Objects software with the HYCU Data Protection for Enterprise Clouds solution. Mine can provide data protection for applications running in a Nutanix cluster and also for other virtualized workloads running in your datacenter.<\/span><\/p> Mine includes the following features:<\/span><\/p> Enterprise-grade data protection to any workload in your datacenter.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t Integrated installation and configuration experience.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t Integrated management experience.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t Seamless scale-out, self-healing, and break-fix functionality.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li><\/ul> Note:\u00a0<\/span><\/p> The Mine cluster is not a disaster recovery solution, thus restoring primary or production workloads to the Mine cluster is not supported currently.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t Attempting to run restored VMs on a Mine cluster disrupts the HA functionality of the cluster.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t If a node fails, the system might not be able to recover all the HYCU services automatically.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li><\/ul> Nutanix Mine with HYCU is a high-performance backup and recovery solution for the Nutanix hyper-converged platform.<\/span><\/p> HYCU is fully integrated with Nutanix, making data protection easy to deploy and simple to use. Nutanix Mine with HYCU allows you to manage production (primary) and backup (secondary) infrastructures using Nutanix Prism. You can order Nutanix Mine with HYCU as a single SKU that enables you to deploy and to scale up a turnkey backup solution.<\/span><\/p> For information on performing various tasks, such as deploying and upgrading HYCU to a Nutanix cluster, registering HYCU with Nutanix Prism, and accessing HYCU from the Nutanix Prism web console for Nutanix Mine with HYCU, see <\/span>HYCU User Guide<\/span><\/a>.<\/span><\/p>","url":"\/mine-integrated-backup-172\/mine-with-hycu-40468?postid=60002#post60002","creationDate":"2021-12-29T06:19:09+0000","relativeCreationDate":"10 months ago"},"numberOfViews":40,"contentType":"discussion","featuredImage":"","publicLabel":"","category":{"url":"\/nutanix-unified-storage-169","categoryId":169,"title":"Nutanix Unified Storage","metaRobots":"index, follow","type":0},"lastPostId":"60002"},"isActivityPage":null,"showUnsubscribeBtn":null,"attachmentCdn":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/","isGuest":true,"csrfToken":"2e8bc48627ba79025437d483e1c0af2b2ff78ea9","hideCategoryMetadata":false,"phrases":{"Forum":{"thread.unsubscribe":"Unsubscribe","vraag":"Question","beantwoord":"Solved","topic.list.metadata.asked.in":"asked in","topic.list.metadata.published.in":"published in","topic.list.metadata.shared.in":"shared in","topic.list.metadata.posted.in":"posted in"}}}">
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