If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter and if you haven't already done so, make sure you are subscribed to the show wherever you consume podcasts.<\/p>","id":41300,"featuredImage":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/4d09f445-5bc6-443a-95c4-f89be85ca24a_thumb.png","label":"Blog","replyCount":0,"views":110,"post":{"id":62428,"author":{"id":7898,"url":"\/members\/aluciani-7898","name":"aluciani","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/200x200\/77accf89-4f79-48be-81e6-c2ac5507e29b.png","userTitle":"Chevalier","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Chevalier","color":"#660099"},"userLevel":7},"content":" This week on the podcast, Dwayne chats with Marc Trouard-Riolle, about Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2) on Azure and how to get started. Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2) on Microsoft Azure enables your applications to be run where you want them, on-premises or in the public cloud, all operated as a single cloud.<\/p> If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter and if you haven't already done so, make sure you are subscribed to the show wherever you consume podcasts.<\/p>","url":"\/community-blog-154\/nutanix-community-podcast-nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-on-azure-41300?postid=62428#post62428","creationDate":"2022-10-25T13:29:23+0000","relativeCreationDate":"5 days ago"},"contentType":"article","type":3,"likes":4,"hasCurrentUserLiked":false},"phrases":{"Forum":{"{n} year|{n} years":"{n} year|{n} years","{n} month|{n} months":"{n} month|{n} months","{n} day|{n} days":"{n} day|{n} days","{n} hour|{n} hours":"{n} hour|{n} hours","{n} minute|{n} minutes":"{n} minute|{n} minutes","just":"just now","{plural} ago":"{plural} ago"}}}">
- 社区
- Nutanix云基础架构
- Nutanix云簇(NC2)
- 30主题
- 20答复
when you play to many video games as a child<\/p>
Check out this new hibernate video for AWS. \u00a0<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/new-hibernate-demo-41308?postid=62457#post62457","creationDate":"2022-10-27T16:17:21+0000","relativeCreationDate":"3 days ago"},"isTopicUnread":true,"privateId":43164,"id":41308,"type":"post","hasCurrentUserLiked":false,"isSticky":false,"features":[],"forum":{"id":149,"isIdeation":false,"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149","title":"Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2)","description":"Unify all your Private and Public Clouds"},"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/new-hibernate-demo-41308","title":"New Hibernate demo","lastPost":{"id":62457,"author":{"id":33,"url":"\/members\/dlink7-33","name":"dlink7","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/90x90\/9i0A71A2D85CADA36B.jpg","userTitle":"Moderator","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Moderator","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":4},"content":"
Once Prism Central is automatically deployed from the cluster creation process, the FGW deploys into the same VNET that Prism Central is using. \u00a0The FGW is a native Azure VM. The VM has two network interface cards(NICs) attached to it, one for internal traffic and one for external traffic. The external NIC \u00a0where the floating IP's are configured for workloads that may need away outside clients connecting into running workloads on the cluster. The default installation will configure 50 floating IP's on the external NIC. These floating IP's can be assigned in Prism Central in the VM menu or in the VPC menu.<\/span><\/span><\/p> The internal subnet - \/28\u00a0 For production deplpyments I would double the size of the above subnets for future growth.<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> Traffic that goes directly to the hypervisor, the storage controllers and Prism Central are not in the path of the FGW. This is important because replication traffic can represent most of the bandwidth coming from on-prem when you go to migrate\/failover workloads to Azure.\u00a0<\/span><\/span><\/p> The current sizes for the FGW are:<\/span><\/span><\/p> Small (Standard_D4_v4, 4 vCPUs, 16GiB RAM)<\/strong> - <\/span>Expected network bandwidth (Mbps)<\/span><\/span> 10000 Mbps<\/p> Large (Standard_D32_v4, 32 vCPUs, 128GiB RAM)<\/strong> - <\/span>Expected network bandwidth (Mbps)<\/span><\/span> 16000 Mbps<\/span><\/span><\/p> \u00a0<\/p> With the large price difference between the two types it's best to start small and then you can always change the VM type later. If you do need to change the VM type, your network security group settings will be preserved on the VM.<\/span><\/span><\/p> \u00a0<\/p> Both the internal and external \u00a0NICS have a network security group (NSG) Attached to them. In most cases you will have to adjust the external NSG to allow traffic into the cluster.<\/span><\/span><\/p> As of today the FGW is a single VM. If the FGW is stopped or deleted , The NC2 portal will see it as HA event where FGW is unreachable and then portal will create a new FGW in place of existing if it exists or delete FGW which is powered off. When I was testing upgrades of the FGW it took four minutes to perform an upgrade from the NC 2 portal. It follows a similar process of removing and replacing the VM with a new one.<\/span><\/span> \u00a0<\/p> Hopefully that covers everything you need to know about the Flow Gateway VM in Azure. If you do have a question, ask away! \u00a0<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/flow-gateway-vm-in-azure-everything-you-need-to-know-41306?postid=62446#post62446","creationDate":"2022-10-26T21:11:12+0000","relativeCreationDate":"4 days ago"},"isTopicUnread":true,"privateId":43162,"id":41306,"type":"post","hasCurrentUserLiked":false,"isSticky":false,"features":[],"forum":{"id":149,"isIdeation":false,"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149","title":"Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2)","description":"Unify all your Private and Public Clouds"},"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/flow-gateway-vm-in-azure-everything-you-need-to-know-41306","title":"Flow Gateway VM in Azure - Everything you need to know.","lastPost":{"id":62446,"author":{"id":33,"url":"\/members\/dlink7-33","name":"dlink7","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/90x90\/9i0A71A2D85CADA36B.jpg","userTitle":"Moderator","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Moderator","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":4},"content":" The Flow Gateway VM (FGW) for Nutanix Cloud Clusters In Azure(NC2) is the Lynch pin to having a your own Supercloud. The FGW is responsible for all VM traffic going north and south from the Nutanix cluster in Azure. This virtual machine allows outside communication from both cloud and on-premises services to the workloads running on the Azure NC2 Cluster. \u00a0<\/span><\/span><\/p> Once Prism Central is automatically deployed from the cluster creation process, the FGW deploys into the same VNET that Prism Central is using. \u00a0The FGW is a native Azure VM. The VM has two network interface cards(NICs) attached to it, one for internal traffic and one for external traffic. The external NIC \u00a0where the floating IP's are configured for workloads that may need away outside clients connecting into running workloads on the cluster. The default installation will configure 50 floating IP's on the external NIC. These floating IP's can be assigned in Prism Central in the VM menu or in the VPC menu.<\/span><\/span><\/p> The internal subnet - \/28\u00a0 For production deplpyments I would double the size of the above subnets for future growth.<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> Traffic that goes directly to the hypervisor, the storage controllers and Prism Central are not in the path of the FGW. This is important because replication traffic can represent most of the bandwidth coming from on-prem when you go to migrate\/failover workloads to Azure.\u00a0<\/span><\/span><\/p> The current sizes for the FGW are:<\/span><\/span><\/p> Small (Standard_D4_v4, 4 vCPUs, 16GiB RAM)<\/strong> - <\/span>Expected network bandwidth (Mbps)<\/span><\/span> 10000 Mbps<\/p> Large (Standard_D32_v4, 32 vCPUs, 128GiB RAM)<\/strong> - <\/span>Expected network bandwidth (Mbps)<\/span><\/span> 16000 Mbps<\/span><\/span><\/p> \u00a0<\/p> With the large price difference between the two types it's best to start small and then you can always change the VM type later. If you do need to change the VM type, your network security group settings will be preserved on the VM.<\/span><\/span><\/p> \u00a0<\/p> Both the internal and external \u00a0NICS have a network security group (NSG) Attached to them. In most cases you will have to adjust the external NSG to allow traffic into the cluster.<\/span><\/span><\/p> As of today the FGW is a single VM. If the FGW is stopped or deleted , The NC2 portal will see it as HA event where FGW is unreachable and then portal will create a new FGW in place of existing if it exists or delete FGW which is powered off. When I was testing upgrades of the FGW it took four minutes to perform an upgrade from the NC 2 portal. It follows a similar process of removing and replacing the VM with a new one.<\/span><\/span> \u00a0<\/p> Hopefully that covers everything you need to know about the Flow Gateway VM in Azure. If you do have a question, ask away! \u00a0<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/flow-gateway-vm-in-azure-everything-you-need-to-know-41306?postid=62446#post62446","creationDate":"2022-10-26T21:11:12+0000","relativeCreationDate":"4 days ago"},"numberOfUnreadReplies":0,"numberOfReplies":0,"numberOfLikes":1,"relevantPost":{"id":62446,"author":{"id":33,"url":"\/members\/dlink7-33","name":"dlink7","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/90x90\/9i0A71A2D85CADA36B.jpg","userTitle":"Moderator","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Moderator","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":4},"content":" The Flow Gateway VM (FGW) for Nutanix Cloud Clusters In Azure(NC2) is the Lynch pin to having a your own Supercloud. The FGW is responsible for all VM traffic going north and south from the Nutanix cluster in Azure. This virtual machine allows outside communication from both cloud and on-premises services to the workloads running on the Azure NC2 Cluster. \u00a0<\/span><\/span><\/p> Once Prism Central is automatically deployed from the cluster creation process, the FGW deploys into the same VNET that Prism Central is using. \u00a0The FGW is a native Azure VM. The VM has two network interface cards(NICs) attached to it, one for internal traffic and one for external traffic. The external NIC \u00a0where the floating IP's are configured for workloads that may need away outside clients connecting into running workloads on the cluster. The default installation will configure 50 floating IP's on the external NIC. These floating IP's can be assigned in Prism Central in the VM menu or in the VPC menu.<\/span><\/span><\/p> The internal subnet - \/28\u00a0 For production deplpyments I would double the size of the above subnets for future growth.<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> Traffic that goes directly to the hypervisor, the storage controllers and Prism Central are not in the path of the FGW. This is important because replication traffic can represent most of the bandwidth coming from on-prem when you go to migrate\/failover workloads to Azure.\u00a0<\/span><\/span><\/p> The current sizes for the FGW are:<\/span><\/span><\/p> Small (Standard_D4_v4, 4 vCPUs, 16GiB RAM)<\/strong> - <\/span>Expected network bandwidth (Mbps)<\/span><\/span> 10000 Mbps<\/p> Large (Standard_D32_v4, 32 vCPUs, 128GiB RAM)<\/strong> - <\/span>Expected network bandwidth (Mbps)<\/span><\/span> 16000 Mbps<\/span><\/span><\/p> \u00a0<\/p> With the large price difference between the two types it's best to start small and then you can always change the VM type later. If you do need to change the VM type, your network security group settings will be preserved on the VM.<\/span><\/span><\/p> \u00a0<\/p> Both the internal and external \u00a0NICS have a network security group (NSG) Attached to them. In most cases you will have to adjust the external NSG to allow traffic into the cluster.<\/span><\/span><\/p> As of today the FGW is a single VM. If the FGW is stopped or deleted , The NC2 portal will see it as HA event where FGW is unreachable and then portal will create a new FGW in place of existing if it exists or delete FGW which is powered off. When I was testing upgrades of the FGW it took four minutes to perform an upgrade from the NC 2 portal. It follows a similar process of removing and replacing the VM with a new one.<\/span><\/span> \u00a0<\/p> Hopefully that covers everything you need to know about the Flow Gateway VM in Azure. If you do have a question, ask away! \u00a0<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/flow-gateway-vm-in-azure-everything-you-need-to-know-41306?postid=62446#post62446","creationDate":"2022-10-26T21:11:12+0000","relativeCreationDate":"4 days ago"},"numberOfViews":94,"contentType":"discussion","featuredImage":"","publicLabel":"","category":{"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-infrastructure-75","categoryId":75,"title":"Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure","metaRobots":"index, follow","type":0},"lastPostId":"62446"},"isActivityPage":null,"showUnsubscribeBtn":null,"attachmentCdn":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/","isGuest":true,"csrfToken":"4fe2db0d3312c0c6a02ed862cf8d841fa6ee47af","hideCategoryMetadata":false,"phrases":{"Forum":{"thread.unsubscribe":"Unsubscribe","vraag":"Question","beantwoord":"Solved","topic.list.metadata.asked.in":"asked in","topic.list.metadata.published.in":"published in","topic.list.metadata.shared.in":"shared in","topic.list.metadata.posted.in":"posted in"}}}">
When sizing the subnets for the FGW I would use the following miniums.<\/p>
The external subnet - \/25\u00a0\u00a0
NC2 on Azure Networking Training \u2192\u00a0<\/p>
When sizing the subnets for the FGW I would use the following miniums.<\/p>
The external subnet - \/25\u00a0\u00a0
NC2 on Azure Networking Training \u2192\u00a0<\/p>
When sizing the subnets for the FGW I would use the following miniums.<\/p>
The external subnet - \/25\u00a0\u00a0
NC2 on Azure Networking Training \u2192\u00a0<\/p>
Which path your virtual machines take in and out of the NC2 Cluster will depend on how other services need to talk to the running virtual machines on NC2.<\/span><\/p> The FVGW Is a native Azure VM that gets deployed when the first cluster is created. The FVGM has both and internal and external network interface cards(NIC). Traffic from your Azure Nutanix cluster is directed towards the FVGM\u2019s Internal NIC And then eventually routed out through the external NIC. The external NIC grabs virtual IPs directly from Azure to be used as floating IP's. These floating IPS can be directly assigned to virtual machines running on the cluster.<\/span><\/p> \u00a0<\/p> The below video discuss routing inside of NC2 on Azure.<\/span><\/p> \u00a0<\/p> NAT<\/strong> If the majority of the VMs running on the NC2 Azure cluster only need outbound communication with the rest of the world, then this is a good option. If there is only a handful of applications that need to initiate inbound connectivity like a web server you can use floating IP's to provide the inbound IP that they can initiate the connection.<\/span><\/p> \u00a0<\/p> Routed Path(Non-NAT)<\/strong> \u00a0<\/p> Below is a video showing to configure a Non-NAT path in Prism Central.<\/span> \u00a0<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/azure-networking-picking-the-right-path-41287?postid=62381#post62381","creationDate":"2022-10-18T15:25:24+0000","relativeCreationDate":"12 days ago"},"isTopicUnread":true,"privateId":43159,"id":41287,"type":"post","hasCurrentUserLiked":false,"isSticky":false,"features":[],"forum":{"id":149,"isIdeation":false,"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149","title":"Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2)","description":"Unify all your Private and Public Clouds"},"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/azure-networking-picking-the-right-path-41287","title":"Azure Networking \u2013 Picking the right path.","lastPost":{"id":62381,"author":{"id":33,"url":"\/members\/dlink7-33","name":"dlink7","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/90x90\/9i0A71A2D85CADA36B.jpg","userTitle":"Moderator","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Moderator","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":4},"content":" One of the biggest changes with Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2) on Azure compared to it's AWS counterpart is the requirement for Flow virtual networking. Flow virtual networking provides an overlay in Azure to provide secure communication between multiple tenants you may be hosting on the Nutanix cluster and also provides north and southbound connectivity. North and southbound connectivity is provided through the Flow gateway virtual machine (FVGW). Workloads running on the cluster can either go through a network address translation (NAT) path or a routed path not using a NAT. <\/span><\/p> Which path your virtual machines take in and out of the NC2 Cluster will depend on how other services need to talk to the running virtual machines on NC2.<\/span><\/p> The FVGW Is a native Azure VM that gets deployed when the first cluster is created. The FVGM has both and internal and external network interface cards(NIC). Traffic from your Azure Nutanix cluster is directed towards the FVGM\u2019s Internal NIC And then eventually routed out through the external NIC. The external NIC grabs virtual IPs directly from Azure to be used as floating IP's. These floating IPS can be directly assigned to virtual machines running on the cluster.<\/span><\/p> \u00a0<\/p> The below video discuss routing inside of NC2 on Azure.<\/span><\/p> \u00a0<\/p> NAT<\/strong> If the majority of the VMs running on the NC2 Azure cluster only need outbound communication with the rest of the world, then this is a good option. If there is only a handful of applications that need to initiate inbound connectivity like a web server you can use floating IP's to provide the inbound IP that they can initiate the connection.<\/span><\/p> \u00a0<\/p> Routed Path(Non-NAT)<\/strong> \u00a0<\/p> Below is a video showing to configure a Non-NAT path in Prism Central.<\/span> \u00a0<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/azure-networking-picking-the-right-path-41287?postid=62381#post62381","creationDate":"2022-10-18T15:25:24+0000","relativeCreationDate":"12 days ago"},"numberOfUnreadReplies":0,"numberOfReplies":0,"numberOfLikes":2,"relevantPost":{"id":62381,"author":{"id":33,"url":"\/members\/dlink7-33","name":"dlink7","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/90x90\/9i0A71A2D85CADA36B.jpg","userTitle":"Moderator","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Moderator","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":4},"content":" One of the biggest changes with Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2) on Azure compared to it's AWS counterpart is the requirement for Flow virtual networking. Flow virtual networking provides an overlay in Azure to provide secure communication between multiple tenants you may be hosting on the Nutanix cluster and also provides north and southbound connectivity. North and southbound connectivity is provided through the Flow gateway virtual machine (FVGW). Workloads running on the cluster can either go through a network address translation (NAT) path or a routed path not using a NAT. <\/span><\/p> Which path your virtual machines take in and out of the NC2 Cluster will depend on how other services need to talk to the running virtual machines on NC2.<\/span><\/p> The FVGW Is a native Azure VM that gets deployed when the first cluster is created. The FVGM has both and internal and external network interface cards(NIC). Traffic from your Azure Nutanix cluster is directed towards the FVGM\u2019s Internal NIC And then eventually routed out through the external NIC. The external NIC grabs virtual IPs directly from Azure to be used as floating IP's. These floating IPS can be directly assigned to virtual machines running on the cluster.<\/span><\/p> \u00a0<\/p> The below video discuss routing inside of NC2 on Azure.<\/span><\/p> \u00a0<\/p> NAT<\/strong> If the majority of the VMs running on the NC2 Azure cluster only need outbound communication with the rest of the world, then this is a good option. If there is only a handful of applications that need to initiate inbound connectivity like a web server you can use floating IP's to provide the inbound IP that they can initiate the connection.<\/span><\/p> \u00a0<\/p> Routed Path(Non-NAT)<\/strong> \u00a0<\/p> Below is a video showing to configure a Non-NAT path in Prism Central.<\/span> \u00a0<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/azure-networking-picking-the-right-path-41287?postid=62381#post62381","creationDate":"2022-10-18T15:25:24+0000","relativeCreationDate":"12 days ago"},"numberOfViews":133,"contentType":"discussion","featuredImage":"","publicLabel":"","category":{"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-infrastructure-75","categoryId":75,"title":"Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure","metaRobots":"index, follow","type":0},"lastPostId":"62381"},"isActivityPage":null,"showUnsubscribeBtn":null,"attachmentCdn":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/","isGuest":true,"csrfToken":"4fe2db0d3312c0c6a02ed862cf8d841fa6ee47af","hideCategoryMetadata":false,"phrases":{"Forum":{"thread.unsubscribe":"Unsubscribe","vraag":"Question","beantwoord":"Solved","topic.list.metadata.asked.in":"asked in","topic.list.metadata.published.in":"published in","topic.list.metadata.shared.in":"shared in","topic.list.metadata.posted.in":"posted in"}}}">
Using the NAT\u2019ed Path is the easiest option to use because it comes configured out-of-the-box as the default. Once your environment is deployed and you create your first Nutanix VPC for your virtual machines the only thing that you need to do is to add a default route pointing to the NAT-external subnet which is already created for you. <\/span><\/p>
\u00a0if you're going to consume Azure services that need to initiate multiple connections to your virtual machines running on NC2 or you have a management system on-prem as an example that is going to have to talk to the virtual machines directly then a Non-NAT path makes the most sense. For these types of scenarios configuring a floating IP for every virtual machine would be very cumbersome. A good example of this would be if you had a VDI connection broker on Prem and you were bursting desktops on your Azure cluster you would need to use Non-NAT path. <\/span><\/p>
Using the NAT\u2019ed Path is the easiest option to use because it comes configured out-of-the-box as the default. Once your environment is deployed and you create your first Nutanix VPC for your virtual machines the only thing that you need to do is to add a default route pointing to the NAT-external subnet which is already created for you. <\/span><\/p>
\u00a0if you're going to consume Azure services that need to initiate multiple connections to your virtual machines running on NC2 or you have a management system on-prem as an example that is going to have to talk to the virtual machines directly then a Non-NAT path makes the most sense. For these types of scenarios configuring a floating IP for every virtual machine would be very cumbersome. A good example of this would be if you had a VDI connection broker on Prem and you were bursting desktops on your Azure cluster you would need to use Non-NAT path. <\/span><\/p>
Using the NAT\u2019ed Path is the easiest option to use because it comes configured out-of-the-box as the default. Once your environment is deployed and you create your first Nutanix VPC for your virtual machines the only thing that you need to do is to add a default route pointing to the NAT-external subnet which is already created for you. <\/span><\/p>
\u00a0if you're going to consume Azure services that need to initiate multiple connections to your virtual machines running on NC2 or you have a management system on-prem as an example that is going to have to talk to the virtual machines directly then a Non-NAT path makes the most sense. For these types of scenarios configuring a floating IP for every virtual machine would be very cumbersome. A good example of this would be if you had a VDI connection broker on Prem and you were bursting desktops on your Azure cluster you would need to use Non-NAT path. <\/span><\/p>
\u00a0<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/vdi-having-login-issue-10061-socket-error-41031?postid=61531#post61531","creationDate":"2022-07-12T14:51:50+0000","relativeCreationDate":"3 months ago"},"isTopicUnread":true,"privateId":24804,"id":41031,"type":"post","hasCurrentUserLiked":false,"isSticky":false,"features":[{"id":"isQuestion","label":"vraag"}],"forum":{"id":149,"isIdeation":false,"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149","title":"Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2)","description":"Unify all your Private and Public Clouds"},"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/vdi-having-login-issue-10061-socket-error-41031","title":"VDI having login issue 10061 socket error","lastPost":{"id":62377,"author":{"id":10812,"url":"\/members\/qamarabbas-10812","name":"qamarabbas","avatar":"","userTitle":"Trendsetter","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Trendsetter","color":"#3300cc"},"userLevel":1},"content":"
Can you confirm the requried ports are open between end user & citrix environment\u00a0<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/vdi-having-login-issue-10061-socket-error-41031?postid=62377#post62377","creationDate":"2022-10-18T13:03:59+0000","relativeCreationDate":"12 days ago"},"lastReply":{"id":62377,"author":{"id":10812,"url":"\/members\/qamarabbas-10812","name":"qamarabbas","avatar":"","userTitle":"Trendsetter","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Trendsetter","color":"#3300cc"},"userLevel":1},"content":"
Can you confirm the requried ports are open between end user & citrix environment\u00a0<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/vdi-having-login-issue-10061-socket-error-41031?postid=62377#post62377","creationDate":"2022-10-18T13:03:59+0000","relativeCreationDate":"12 days ago"},"numberOfUnreadReplies":0,"numberOfReplies":3,"numberOfLikes":0,"relevantPost":{"id":61531,"author":{"id":121313,"url":"\/members\/nirmal2802-121313","name":"Nirmal2802","avatar":"","userTitle":"Explorer","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Explorer","color":"#000000"},"userLevel":0},"content":"
when we login VDI\u00a0 getting socket 10061 error it is new VDi.<\/p>
\u00a0<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/vdi-having-login-issue-10061-socket-error-41031?postid=61531#post61531","creationDate":"2022-07-12T14:51:50+0000","relativeCreationDate":"3 months ago"},"numberOfViews":160,"contentType":"question","featuredImage":"","publicLabel":"","category":{"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-infrastructure-75","categoryId":75,"title":"Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure","metaRobots":"index, follow","type":0},"lastPostId":"62377"},"isActivityPage":null,"showUnsubscribeBtn":null,"attachmentCdn":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/","isGuest":true,"csrfToken":"4fe2db0d3312c0c6a02ed862cf8d841fa6ee47af","hideCategoryMetadata":false,"phrases":{"Forum":{"thread.unsubscribe":"Unsubscribe","vraag":"Question","beantwoord":"Solved","topic.list.metadata.asked.in":"asked in","topic.list.metadata.published.in":"published in","topic.list.metadata.shared.in":"shared in","topic.list.metadata.posted.in":"posted in"}}}">
\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0I have added a managed network in our cluster. We have since purchased another cluster and in the process of configuring VXLan and the ability to live migrate VM\u2019s between clusters. From what I have been seeing we cannot have a managed network across clusters is this correct? If not does anyone know how to configure a managed network to work between clusters.<\/p>
Scott<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/managed-network-across-clusters-41186?postid=61949#post61949","creationDate":"2022-09-14T18:05:09+0000","relativeCreationDate":"1 month ago"},"isTopicUnread":true,"privateId":24922,"id":41186,"type":"post","hasCurrentUserLiked":false,"isSticky":false,"features":[{"id":"isQuestion","label":"vraag"}],"forum":{"id":149,"isIdeation":false,"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149","title":"Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2)","description":"Unify all your Private and Public Clouds"},"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/managed-network-across-clusters-41186","title":"Managed Network across clusters","lastPost":{"id":61956,"author":{"id":33,"url":"\/members\/dlink7-33","name":"dlink7","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/90x90\/9i0A71A2D85CADA36B.jpg","userTitle":"Moderator","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Moderator","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":4},"content":"
i am not expert but I believe you need to have 2 non overlapping dhcp pools, one on each cluster and it should work<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/managed-network-across-clusters-41186?postid=61956#post61956","creationDate":"2022-09-14T20:09:58+0000","relativeCreationDate":"1 month ago"},"lastReply":{"id":61956,"author":{"id":33,"url":"\/members\/dlink7-33","name":"dlink7","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/90x90\/9i0A71A2D85CADA36B.jpg","userTitle":"Moderator","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Moderator","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":4},"content":"
i am not expert but I believe you need to have 2 non overlapping dhcp pools, one on each cluster and it should work<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/managed-network-across-clusters-41186?postid=61956#post61956","creationDate":"2022-09-14T20:09:58+0000","relativeCreationDate":"1 month ago"},"numberOfUnreadReplies":0,"numberOfReplies":7,"numberOfLikes":0,"relevantPost":{"id":61949,"author":{"id":105582,"url":"\/members\/skeeter-105582","name":"skeeter","avatar":"","userTitle":"Trailblazer","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Trailblazer","color":"#3300cc"},"userLevel":0},"content":"
Hello All,<\/p>
\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0I have added a managed network in our cluster. We have since purchased another cluster and in the process of configuring VXLan and the ability to live migrate VM\u2019s between clusters. From what I have been seeing we cannot have a managed network across clusters is this correct? If not does anyone know how to configure a managed network to work between clusters.<\/p>
Scott<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/managed-network-across-clusters-41186?postid=61949#post61949","creationDate":"2022-09-14T18:05:09+0000","relativeCreationDate":"1 month ago"},"numberOfViews":51,"contentType":"question","featuredImage":"","publicLabel":"","category":{"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-infrastructure-75","categoryId":75,"title":"Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure","metaRobots":"index, follow","type":0},"lastPostId":"61956"},"isActivityPage":null,"showUnsubscribeBtn":null,"attachmentCdn":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/","isGuest":true,"csrfToken":"4fe2db0d3312c0c6a02ed862cf8d841fa6ee47af","hideCategoryMetadata":false,"phrases":{"Forum":{"thread.unsubscribe":"Unsubscribe","vraag":"Question","beantwoord":"Solved","topic.list.metadata.asked.in":"asked in","topic.list.metadata.published.in":"published in","topic.list.metadata.shared.in":"shared in","topic.list.metadata.posted.in":"posted in"}}}">
2 server rooms 1km apart with direct fiber connection.<\/p>
One 10 node\/rack in each server room.<\/p>
What would make most sense?<\/p>
1. Create two clusters with sync rep.<\/p>
2. Create one cluster with rack fault tolerance (one rack in each server room)<\/p>
\/Peter<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/cluster-to-cluster-repl-vs-rack-fault-tolerance-41158?postid=61866#post61866","creationDate":"2022-08-31T13:38:12+0000","relativeCreationDate":"1 month ago"},"isTopicUnread":true,"privateId":24904,"id":41158,"type":"post","hasCurrentUserLiked":false,"isSticky":false,"features":[{"id":"isAnswered","label":"beantwoord"}],"forum":{"id":149,"isIdeation":false,"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149","title":"Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2)","description":"Unify all your Private and Public Clouds"},"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/cluster-to-cluster-repl-vs-rack-fault-tolerance-41158","title":"Cluster to Cluster repl. vs Rack Fault tolerance","lastPost":{"id":61885,"author":{"id":114903,"url":"\/members\/moustafa-hindawi-114903","name":"Moustafa Hindawi","avatar":"","userTitle":"Outrider","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Outrider","color":"#3300cc"},"userLevel":3},"content":" Scenario:<\/p>\t 2 server rooms 1km apart with direct fiber connection.<\/p>\t One 10 node\/rack in each server room.<\/p>\t \u00a0<\/p>\t What would make most sense?<\/p>\t 1. Create two clusters with sync rep.<\/p>\t 2. Create one cluster with rack fault tolerance (one rack in each server room)<\/p>\t \u00a0<\/p>\t \/Peter<\/p>\t<\/div><\/content-quote> Hello\u00a0<\/p> 1-Rack fault domain needs minimum 3 rack not 2 for RF2.<\/p> 2-Sync Replication makes more sense depend on your RPO objectives<\/p> 3-Check the below link for Sync Replication requirements:<\/p> https:\/\/portal.nutanix.com\/page\/documents\/details?targetId=Leap-Xi-Leap-Admin-Guide-v2022_6:ecd-ecdr-requirements-synchronous-protectionpolicy-pc-r.html<\/a><\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/cluster-to-cluster-repl-vs-rack-fault-tolerance-41158?postid=61885#post61885","creationDate":"2022-09-05T04:04:59+0000","relativeCreationDate":"1 month ago"},"lastReply":{"id":61885,"author":{"id":114903,"url":"\/members\/moustafa-hindawi-114903","name":"Moustafa Hindawi","avatar":"","userTitle":"Outrider","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Outrider","color":"#3300cc"},"userLevel":3},"content":" Scenario:<\/p>\t 2 server rooms 1km apart with direct fiber connection.<\/p>\t One 10 node\/rack in each server room.<\/p>\t \u00a0<\/p>\t What would make most sense?<\/p>\t 1. Create two clusters with sync rep.<\/p>\t 2. Create one cluster with rack fault tolerance (one rack in each server room)<\/p>\t \u00a0<\/p>\t \/Peter<\/p>\t<\/div><\/content-quote> Hello\u00a0<\/p> 1-Rack fault domain needs minimum 3 rack not 2 for RF2.<\/p> 2-Sync Replication makes more sense depend on your RPO objectives<\/p> 3-Check the below link for Sync Replication requirements:<\/p> Please, is there any changes in the exam questions of NCP-MCI 5.15 and\u00a0NCP-MCI 5.20. Because i have done the training for\u00a0NCP-MCI 5.20 and i would like to take the exam by next month.<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/any-changes-between-ncp-mci-5-15-and-ncp-mci-5-20-40700?postid=60599#post60599","creationDate":"2022-03-17T17:44:04+0000","relativeCreationDate":"7 months ago"},"isTopicUnread":true,"privateId":43060,"id":40700,"type":"post","hasCurrentUserLiked":false,"isSticky":false,"features":[],"forum":{"id":149,"isIdeation":false,"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149","title":"Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2)","description":"Unify all your Private and Public Clouds"},"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/any-changes-between-ncp-mci-5-15-and-ncp-mci-5-20-40700","title":"Any Changes Between NCP-MCI 5.15 and NCP-MCI 5.20","lastPost":{"id":60601,"author":{"id":118671,"url":"\/members\/danny-d-118671","name":"Danny-D","avatar":"","userTitle":"Voyager","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Voyager","color":"#000000"},"userLevel":0},"content":" Hi Seun,<\/p> There is work being done for a future release. Best to talk to your local sales team.<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/will-nutanix-have-a-support-for-capi-as-a-provider-40597?postid=60347#post60347","creationDate":"2022-02-11T20:30:55+0000","relativeCreationDate":"8 months ago"},"lastReply":{"id":60347,"author":{"id":33,"url":"\/members\/dlink7-33","name":"dlink7","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/90x90\/9i0A71A2D85CADA36B.jpg","userTitle":"Moderator","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Moderator","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":4},"content":" There is work being done for a future release. Best to talk to your local sales team.<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/will-nutanix-have-a-support-for-capi-as-a-provider-40597?postid=60347#post60347","creationDate":"2022-02-11T20:30:55+0000","relativeCreationDate":"8 months ago"},"numberOfUnreadReplies":0,"numberOfReplies":1,"numberOfLikes":1,"relevantPost":{"id":60345,"author":{"id":117982,"url":"\/members\/soule-117982","name":"Soule","avatar":"","userTitle":"Scout","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Scout","color":"#000000"},"userLevel":0},"content":" I would like to use cluster api to deploy my K8s cluster in an hybrid manner. Vsphere and AWS are CAPI provider. Will Nutanix support that?<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/will-nutanix-have-a-support-for-capi-as-a-provider-40597?postid=60345#post60345","creationDate":"2022-02-11T12:29:17+0000","relativeCreationDate":"8 months ago"},"numberOfViews":109,"contentType":"question","featuredImage":"","publicLabel":"","category":{"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-infrastructure-75","categoryId":75,"title":"Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure","metaRobots":"index, follow","type":0},"lastPostId":"60347"},"isActivityPage":null,"showUnsubscribeBtn":null,"attachmentCdn":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/","isGuest":true,"csrfToken":"4fe2db0d3312c0c6a02ed862cf8d841fa6ee47af","hideCategoryMetadata":false,"phrases":{"Forum":{"thread.unsubscribe":"Unsubscribe","vraag":"Question","beantwoord":"Solved","topic.list.metadata.asked.in":"asked in","topic.list.metadata.published.in":"published in","topic.list.metadata.shared.in":"shared in","topic.list.metadata.posted.in":"posted in"}}}">
Status checks on AWS are performed every minute, returning a pass or a fail status in the Cloud Portal. If all checks pass, the overall status of the instance is OK. If one or more checks fail, the overall status is impaired.<\/p> There are two types of status checks, system status checks, and instance status checks. System status checks monitor the AWS systems on which instance runs. Instance status checks monitor the software and network configuration of individual instances.\u00a0<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> Notification Center in the Clusters Portal<\/em><\/span><\/p> The Clusters portal has an notification service that keeps track of all informational, warnings and critical alerts. Like most Cloud based services there is no support for SNMP in the portal but does have the ability to send email addresses. It\u2019s our recommendation to utilize a service like PagerDuty that can start any additional workflows that may be needed.<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> Make sure to configure this option before your deploy NC2. More info in KB9704 on the Nutanix Portal,<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> Happy Clouding.\u00a0<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/nc2-self-healing-is-great-but-you-still-need-to-check-the-cloud-portal-40594?postid=60340#post60340","creationDate":"2022-02-09T20:35:29+0000","relativeCreationDate":"8 months ago"},"isTopicUnread":true,"privateId":43032,"id":40594,"type":"post","hasCurrentUserLiked":false,"isSticky":false,"features":[],"forum":{"id":149,"isIdeation":false,"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149","title":"Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2)","description":"Unify all your Private and Public Clouds"},"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/nc2-self-healing-is-great-but-you-still-need-to-check-the-cloud-portal-40594","title":"NC2: Self healing is great but you still need to check the Cloud Portal","lastPost":{"id":60340,"author":{"id":33,"url":"\/members\/dlink7-33","name":"dlink7","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/90x90\/9i0A71A2D85CADA36B.jpg","userTitle":"Moderator","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Moderator","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":4},"content":" I would like to take full blame for people thinking self healing solves\u00a0all problems with Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2).\u00a0 The self-healing is pretty awesome for bad nics, hard drives and nodes but there are some instances where the portal can\u2019t take action.<\/p> Status checks on AWS are performed every minute, returning a pass or a fail status in the Cloud Portal. If all checks pass, the overall status of the instance is OK. If one or more checks fail, the overall status is impaired.<\/p> There are two types of status checks, system status checks, and instance status checks. System status checks monitor the AWS systems on which instance runs. Instance status checks monitor the software and network configuration of individual instances.\u00a0<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> Notification Center in the Clusters Portal<\/em><\/span><\/p> The Clusters portal has an notification service that keeps track of all informational, warnings and critical alerts. Like most Cloud based services there is no support for SNMP in the portal but does have the ability to send email addresses. It\u2019s our recommendation to utilize a service like PagerDuty that can start any additional workflows that may be needed.<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> Make sure to configure this option before your deploy NC2. More info in KB9704 on the Nutanix Portal,<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> Happy Clouding.\u00a0<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/nc2-self-healing-is-great-but-you-still-need-to-check-the-cloud-portal-40594?postid=60340#post60340","creationDate":"2022-02-09T20:35:29+0000","relativeCreationDate":"8 months ago"},"numberOfUnreadReplies":0,"numberOfReplies":0,"numberOfLikes":0,"relevantPost":{"id":60340,"author":{"id":33,"url":"\/members\/dlink7-33","name":"dlink7","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/90x90\/9i0A71A2D85CADA36B.jpg","userTitle":"Moderator","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Moderator","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":4},"content":" I would like to take full blame for people thinking self healing solves\u00a0all problems with Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2).\u00a0 The self-healing is pretty awesome for bad nics, hard drives and nodes but there are some instances where the portal can\u2019t take action.<\/p> Status checks on AWS are performed every minute, returning a pass or a fail status in the Cloud Portal. If all checks pass, the overall status of the instance is OK. If one or more checks fail, the overall status is impaired.<\/p> There are two types of status checks, system status checks, and instance status checks. System status checks monitor the AWS systems on which instance runs. Instance status checks monitor the software and network configuration of individual instances.\u00a0<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> Notification Center in the Clusters Portal<\/em><\/span><\/p> The Clusters portal has an notification service that keeps track of all informational, warnings and critical alerts. Like most Cloud based services there is no support for SNMP in the portal but does have the ability to send email addresses. It\u2019s our recommendation to utilize a service like PagerDuty that can start any additional workflows that may be needed.<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> Make sure to configure this option before your deploy NC2. More info in KB9704 on the Nutanix Portal,<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> Happy Clouding.\u00a0<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/nc2-self-healing-is-great-but-you-still-need-to-check-the-cloud-portal-40594?postid=60340#post60340","creationDate":"2022-02-09T20:35:29+0000","relativeCreationDate":"8 months ago"},"numberOfViews":189,"contentType":"discussion","featuredImage":"","publicLabel":"","category":{"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-infrastructure-75","categoryId":75,"title":"Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure","metaRobots":"index, follow","type":0},"lastPostId":"60340"},"isActivityPage":null,"showUnsubscribeBtn":null,"attachmentCdn":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/","isGuest":true,"csrfToken":"4fe2db0d3312c0c6a02ed862cf8d841fa6ee47af","hideCategoryMetadata":false,"phrases":{"Forum":{"thread.unsubscribe":"Unsubscribe","vraag":"Question","beantwoord":"Solved","topic.list.metadata.asked.in":"asked in","topic.list.metadata.published.in":"published in","topic.list.metadata.shared.in":"shared in","topic.list.metadata.posted.in":"posted in"}}}">
Does anyone know when AOS 6 LTS version will available? On Prism or support portal.<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/aos-6-lts-release-date-40343?postid=59600#post59600","creationDate":"2021-11-22T16:30:32+0000","relativeCreationDate":"11 months ago"},"isTopicUnread":true,"privateId":24425,"id":40343,"type":"post","hasCurrentUserLiked":false,"isSticky":false,"features":[{"id":"isAnswered","label":"beantwoord"}],"forum":{"id":149,"isIdeation":false,"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149","title":"Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2)","description":"Unify all your Private and Public Clouds"},"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/aos-6-lts-release-date-40343","title":"AOS 6 LTS release date","lastPost":{"id":59612,"author":{"id":89312,"url":"\/members\/thiruppathiraj-89312","name":"Thiruppathiraj","avatar":"","userTitle":"Adventurer","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Adventurer","color":"#000000"},"userLevel":0},"content":" Hi, Thanks for the details.<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/aos-6-lts-release-date-40343?postid=59612#post59612","creationDate":"2021-11-23T05:46:13+0000","relativeCreationDate":"11 months ago"},"lastReply":{"id":59612,"author":{"id":89312,"url":"\/members\/thiruppathiraj-89312","name":"Thiruppathiraj","avatar":"","userTitle":"Adventurer","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Adventurer","color":"#000000"},"userLevel":0},"content":" Hi, Thanks for the details.<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/aos-6-lts-release-date-40343?postid=59612#post59612","creationDate":"2021-11-23T05:46:13+0000","relativeCreationDate":"11 months ago"},"numberOfUnreadReplies":0,"numberOfReplies":2,"numberOfLikes":0,"relevantPost":{"id":59600,"author":{"id":89312,"url":"\/members\/thiruppathiraj-89312","name":"Thiruppathiraj","avatar":"","userTitle":"Adventurer","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Adventurer","color":"#000000"},"userLevel":0},"content":" Hi Team,<\/p> Does anyone know when AOS 6 LTS version will available? On Prism or support portal.<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/aos-6-lts-release-date-40343?postid=59600#post59600","creationDate":"2021-11-22T16:30:32+0000","relativeCreationDate":"11 months ago"},"numberOfViews":291,"contentType":"question","featuredImage":"","publicLabel":"","category":{"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-infrastructure-75","categoryId":75,"title":"Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure","metaRobots":"index, follow","type":0},"lastPostId":"59612"},"isActivityPage":null,"showUnsubscribeBtn":null,"attachmentCdn":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/","isGuest":true,"csrfToken":"4fe2db0d3312c0c6a02ed862cf8d841fa6ee47af","hideCategoryMetadata":false,"phrases":{"Forum":{"thread.unsubscribe":"Unsubscribe","vraag":"Question","beantwoord":"Solved","topic.list.metadata.asked.in":"asked in","topic.list.metadata.published.in":"published in","topic.list.metadata.shared.in":"shared in","topic.list.metadata.posted.in":"posted in"}}}">
Prism central has a lot of alerts that you can use to trigger the action that you want to take. If you don't see the right \u201cAlert\u201d you can customize one of the existing ones to meet your needs and will be a user defined alert. In my example I was using a critical memory capacity over 80% capacity on adding nodes. If your clusters are typically higher than 10 nodes you might try using a higher percentage based on one node is going to be a lower percentage of memory overall. Likewise you could be more aggressive with picking a lower memory percentage. One thing that you'll want to set as well is the \u201ctrigger alert if condition persists for\". I didn't have it set so I could easily record the demo but I think it would be quite reasonable to 10 \u2013 15 minute range. This will give you some protection on short lived bursts.<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> When you go to configure your playbook you can do if else statements triggering on whether the alert was critical or if it was a warning from the custom defined alert.<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> One thing to note, the spelling of warning or critical needs to be lowercase for it to work.<\/p> Once the critical workflow is triggered it will start to add a node to the cluster. Instead of adding a node to the cluster and resolving an alert we are using autopilot to keep tracking memory usage in case we need to add more nodes. The playbooks won't get triggered again on the same alert unless the alert is resolved. Using autopilot we can let it keep checking the status for us. Today with playbooks you can only have one autopilot set per playbook. We are removing nodes based on the warning criticality. With removal, we do resolve the alert after the API is made by the python script. After it's done once, we would be able to alert the trigger again causing more nodes to be removed.<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> I have added my scripts below. There are some other blog posts that use similar scripts that can help you walk through those. The remove node script is basically the same as the add but is also checking if there are at least 3 nodes in the cluster.<\/p> If you have any other questions, fire away!\u00a0 Also more coding examples on\u00a0https:\/\/www.nutanix.dev\/<\/a><\/p> \u00a0<\/p> \u00a0<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/options-for-autoscaling-your-nutanix-cluster-in-the-cloud-40344?postid=59601#post59601","creationDate":"2021-11-22T16:44:05+0000","relativeCreationDate":"11 months ago"},"isTopicUnread":true,"privateId":42979,"id":40344,"type":"post","hasCurrentUserLiked":false,"isSticky":false,"features":[],"forum":{"id":149,"isIdeation":false,"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149","title":"Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2)","description":"Unify all your Private and Public Clouds"},"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/options-for-autoscaling-your-nutanix-cluster-in-the-cloud-40344","title":"Options for Autoscaling Your Nutanix Cluster in the Cloud","lastPost":{"id":59601,"author":{"id":33,"url":"\/members\/dlink7-33","name":"dlink7","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/90x90\/9i0A71A2D85CADA36B.jpg","userTitle":"Moderator","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Moderator","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":4},"content":" I had made a short video on auto scaling Nutanix cluster in AWS using new Nutanix Playbooks. Playbooks offer a visual way to start automating actions in your hybrid cloud. Due to making the video <\/a>short, I didn't spend a lot of time talking about options that you could set.\u00a0<\/p> Prism central has a lot of alerts that you can use to trigger the action that you want to take. If you don't see the right \u201cAlert\u201d you can customize one of the existing ones to meet your needs and will be a user defined alert. In my example I was using a critical memory capacity over 80% capacity on adding nodes. If your clusters are typically higher than 10 nodes you might try using a higher percentage based on one node is going to be a lower percentage of memory overall. Likewise you could be more aggressive with picking a lower memory percentage. One thing that you'll want to set as well is the \u201ctrigger alert if condition persists for\". I didn't have it set so I could easily record the demo but I think it would be quite reasonable to 10 \u2013 15 minute range. This will give you some protection on short lived bursts.<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> When you go to configure your playbook you can do if else statements triggering on whether the alert was critical or if it was a warning from the custom defined alert.<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> One thing to note, the spelling of warning or critical needs to be lowercase for it to work.<\/p> Once the critical workflow is triggered it will start to add a node to the cluster. Instead of adding a node to the cluster and resolving an alert we are using autopilot to keep tracking memory usage in case we need to add more nodes. The playbooks won't get triggered again on the same alert unless the alert is resolved. Using autopilot we can let it keep checking the status for us. Today with playbooks you can only have one autopilot set per playbook. We are removing nodes based on the warning criticality. With removal, we do resolve the alert after the API is made by the python script. After it's done once, we would be able to alert the trigger again causing more nodes to be removed.<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> I have added my scripts below. There are some other blog posts that use similar scripts that can help you walk through those. The remove node script is basically the same as the add but is also checking if there are at least 3 nodes in the cluster.<\/p> If you have any other questions, fire away!\u00a0 Also more coding examples on\u00a0https:\/\/www.nutanix.dev\/<\/a><\/p> \u00a0<\/p> \u00a0<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/options-for-autoscaling-your-nutanix-cluster-in-the-cloud-40344?postid=59601#post59601","creationDate":"2021-11-22T16:44:05+0000","relativeCreationDate":"11 months ago"},"numberOfUnreadReplies":0,"numberOfReplies":0,"numberOfLikes":0,"relevantPost":{"id":59601,"author":{"id":33,"url":"\/members\/dlink7-33","name":"dlink7","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/90x90\/9i0A71A2D85CADA36B.jpg","userTitle":"Moderator","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Moderator","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":4},"content":" I had made a short video on auto scaling Nutanix cluster in AWS using new Nutanix Playbooks. Playbooks offer a visual way to start automating actions in your hybrid cloud. Due to making the video <\/a>short, I didn't spend a lot of time talking about options that you could set.\u00a0<\/p> Prism central has a lot of alerts that you can use to trigger the action that you want to take. If you don't see the right \u201cAlert\u201d you can customize one of the existing ones to meet your needs and will be a user defined alert. In my example I was using a critical memory capacity over 80% capacity on adding nodes. If your clusters are typically higher than 10 nodes you might try using a higher percentage based on one node is going to be a lower percentage of memory overall. Likewise you could be more aggressive with picking a lower memory percentage. One thing that you'll want to set as well is the \u201ctrigger alert if condition persists for\". I didn't have it set so I could easily record the demo but I think it would be quite reasonable to 10 \u2013 15 minute range. This will give you some protection on short lived bursts.<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> When you go to configure your playbook you can do if else statements triggering on whether the alert was critical or if it was a warning from the custom defined alert.<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> One thing to note, the spelling of warning or critical needs to be lowercase for it to work.<\/p> Once the critical workflow is triggered it will start to add a node to the cluster. Instead of adding a node to the cluster and resolving an alert we are using autopilot to keep tracking memory usage in case we need to add more nodes. The playbooks won't get triggered again on the same alert unless the alert is resolved. Using autopilot we can let it keep checking the status for us. Today with playbooks you can only have one autopilot set per playbook. We are removing nodes based on the warning criticality. With removal, we do resolve the alert after the API is made by the python script. After it's done once, we would be able to alert the trigger again causing more nodes to be removed.<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> I have added my scripts below. There are some other blog posts that use similar scripts that can help you walk through those. The remove node script is basically the same as the add but is also checking if there are at least 3 nodes in the cluster.<\/p> Nutanix\u2019s support for bare-metal is getting close. Please take a look at some of the foundational components for networking in Azure. You will be able to create new virtual networks (called Virtual Private Clouds or VPCs) within Nutanix, subnets in any address range, including those from the RFC1918 (private) address space and define DHCP, NAT, routing, and security policy right from the familiar Prism Central interface.<\/p> Flow networking can mask or reduce Cloud constraints by providing an abstraction layer. As an example, Azure only allows for one delegated subnet per VNET. Subnet delegation enables you to designate a specific subnet for an Azure PaaS service of your choice that needs to be injected into your virtual network. NCM needs a management subnet delegated to the Microsoft.BareMetal\/AzureHostedService . \u00a0<\/p> Once your subnet is delegated to the BareMetal service the Clusters Portal will be able to use that subnet to deploy your Nutanix Cluster. The AzureHostedService is what the Clusters portal uses to deploy and configure networking on the bare-metal nodes.<\/p> Every subnet used for user native VM networking also needs to be delegated to the same service. Since a VNET can only have delegated subnet, networking configuration would get out of hand with needing to peer VNETs among each other to allow communication. With Flow networking we can drastically reduce the amount of VNETS needed to allow communication of the workloads running on Clusters and Azure. Flow Networking will allow you to create over 500 subnets with only consuming 1 Azure VNET.<\/p> Prism Central (PC) will be deployed onto the Nutanix Cluster after deployment. Prism Central contains the control plane for Flow Networking.\u00a0 The subnet for PC will be delegated to the Microsoft.BareMetal\/AzureHostedService so native Azure networking can be used to distributed IPs for PC. Once PC is deployed, the Flow gateway will deployed into a Native Azure subnet. The Flow gateway allows the User VMs using the Flow VPC(s) to communicate to native Azure services and allows the VMS to have parity with native Azure VMs; such as:<\/p> Hopefully that gives you enough\u00a0to get you thinking. Please ask any questions and take the test drive<\/a> for yourself.\u00a0<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/nutanix-networking-in-azure-hybridcloud-40290?postid=59471#post59471","creationDate":"2021-11-02T15:35:36+0000","relativeCreationDate":"11 months ago"},"isTopicUnread":true,"privateId":42963,"id":40290,"type":"post","hasCurrentUserLiked":false,"isSticky":false,"features":[],"forum":{"id":149,"isIdeation":false,"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149","title":"Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2)","description":"Unify all your Private and Public Clouds"},"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/nutanix-networking-in-azure-hybridcloud-40290","title":"Nutanix Networking in Azure - hybridcloud","lastPost":{"id":59471,"author":{"id":33,"url":"\/members\/dlink7-33","name":"dlink7","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/90x90\/9i0A71A2D85CADA36B.jpg","userTitle":"Moderator","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Moderator","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":4},"content":" Nutanix\u2019s support for bare-metal is getting close. Please take a look at some of the foundational components for networking in Azure. You will be able to create new virtual networks (called Virtual Private Clouds or VPCs) within Nutanix, subnets in any address range, including those from the RFC1918 (private) address space and define DHCP, NAT, routing, and security policy right from the familiar Prism Central interface.<\/p> Flow networking can mask or reduce Cloud constraints by providing an abstraction layer. As an example, Azure only allows for one delegated subnet per VNET. Subnet delegation enables you to designate a specific subnet for an Azure PaaS service of your choice that needs to be injected into your virtual network. NCM needs a management subnet delegated to the Microsoft.BareMetal\/AzureHostedService . \u00a0<\/p> Once your subnet is delegated to the BareMetal service the Clusters Portal will be able to use that subnet to deploy your Nutanix Cluster. The AzureHostedService is what the Clusters portal uses to deploy and configure networking on the bare-metal nodes.<\/p> Every subnet used for user native VM networking also needs to be delegated to the same service. Since a VNET can only have delegated subnet, networking configuration would get out of hand with needing to peer VNETs among each other to allow communication. With Flow networking we can drastically reduce the amount of VNETS needed to allow communication of the workloads running on Clusters and Azure. Flow Networking will allow you to create over 500 subnets with only consuming 1 Azure VNET.<\/p> Prism Central (PC) will be deployed onto the Nutanix Cluster after deployment. Prism Central contains the control plane for Flow Networking.\u00a0 The subnet for PC will be delegated to the Microsoft.BareMetal\/AzureHostedService so native Azure networking can be used to distributed IPs for PC. Once PC is deployed, the Flow gateway will deployed into a Native Azure subnet. The Flow gateway allows the User VMs using the Flow VPC(s) to communicate to native Azure services and allows the VMS to have parity with native Azure VMs; such as:<\/p> Hopefully that gives you enough\u00a0to get you thinking. Please ask any questions and take the test drive<\/a> for yourself.\u00a0<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/nutanix-networking-in-azure-hybridcloud-40290?postid=59471#post59471","creationDate":"2021-11-02T15:35:36+0000","relativeCreationDate":"11 months ago"},"numberOfUnreadReplies":0,"numberOfReplies":0,"numberOfLikes":3,"relevantPost":{"id":59471,"author":{"id":33,"url":"\/members\/dlink7-33","name":"dlink7","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/90x90\/9i0A71A2D85CADA36B.jpg","userTitle":"Moderator","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Moderator","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":4},"content":" Nutanix\u2019s support for bare-metal is getting close. Please take a look at some of the foundational components for networking in Azure. You will be able to create new virtual networks (called Virtual Private Clouds or VPCs) within Nutanix, subnets in any address range, including those from the RFC1918 (private) address space and define DHCP, NAT, routing, and security policy right from the familiar Prism Central interface.<\/p> Flow networking can mask or reduce Cloud constraints by providing an abstraction layer. As an example, Azure only allows for one delegated subnet per VNET. Subnet delegation enables you to designate a specific subnet for an Azure PaaS service of your choice that needs to be injected into your virtual network. NCM needs a management subnet delegated to the Microsoft.BareMetal\/AzureHostedService . \u00a0<\/p> Once your subnet is delegated to the BareMetal service the Clusters Portal will be able to use that subnet to deploy your Nutanix Cluster. The AzureHostedService is what the Clusters portal uses to deploy and configure networking on the bare-metal nodes.<\/p> Every subnet used for user native VM networking also needs to be delegated to the same service. Since a VNET can only have delegated subnet, networking configuration would get out of hand with needing to peer VNETs among each other to allow communication. With Flow networking we can drastically reduce the amount of VNETS needed to allow communication of the workloads running on Clusters and Azure. Flow Networking will allow you to create over 500 subnets with only consuming 1 Azure VNET.<\/p> Prism Central (PC) will be deployed onto the Nutanix Cluster after deployment. Prism Central contains the control plane for Flow Networking.\u00a0 The subnet for PC will be delegated to the Microsoft.BareMetal\/AzureHostedService so native Azure networking can be used to distributed IPs for PC. Once PC is deployed, the Flow gateway will deployed into a Native Azure subnet. The Flow gateway allows the User VMs using the Flow VPC(s) to communicate to native Azure services and allows the VMS to have parity with native Azure VMs; such as:<\/p> My concern is that i was made to understand that Cascade Lake and Ice Lake CPU architecture is different, thus that may pose a performance problems to VM even if the nodes can coexist within the cluster.<\/p> So the question is, can NX-G7 and NX-G8, which will run on different CPU archtiecture coexist within the same cluster and will it cause any performance issues if this is possible?<\/p> It would help if you can point me to a KB article or any article for that matter to explain this.<\/p> Thank you in advance for the help\u2026\u2026..<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/cascade-lake-vs-ice-lake-40265?postid=59411#post59411","creationDate":"2021-10-27T08:07:22+0000","relativeCreationDate":"1 year ago"},"isTopicUnread":true,"privateId":24285,"id":40265,"type":"post","hasCurrentUserLiked":false,"isSticky":false,"features":[{"id":"isAnswered","label":"beantwoord"}],"forum":{"id":149,"isIdeation":false,"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149","title":"Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2)","description":"Unify all your Private and Public Clouds"},"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/cascade-lake-vs-ice-lake-40265","title":"Cascade Lake vs Ice Lake","lastPost":{"id":59416,"author":{"id":33,"url":"\/members\/dlink7-33","name":"dlink7","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/90x90\/9i0A71A2D85CADA36B.jpg","userTitle":"Moderator","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Moderator","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":4},"content":" Hi You can mix and match cpu in a cluster, just not the same block. The newer features of the CPU will me masked: https:\/\/portal.nutanix.com\/page\/documents\/details?targetId=Hardware-Admin-Guide:har-product-mixing-restrictions-r.html<\/a><\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/cascade-lake-vs-ice-lake-40265?postid=59416#post59416","creationDate":"2021-10-27T15:23:04+0000","relativeCreationDate":"1 year ago"},"lastReply":{"id":59416,"author":{"id":33,"url":"\/members\/dlink7-33","name":"dlink7","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/90x90\/9i0A71A2D85CADA36B.jpg","userTitle":"Moderator","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Moderator","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":4},"content":" I have a question about the ability to access the AHV\/CVM console from https:\/\/demo.nutanix.com\/ \u00a0<\/p> Mike<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/ahv-cvm-console-access-from-cluster-demo-nutanix-com-40251?postid=59369#post59369","creationDate":"2021-10-25T10:37:30+0000","relativeCreationDate":"1 year ago"},"lastReply":{"id":59369,"author":{"id":96368,"url":"\/members\/michael-manuele-96368","name":"Michael.Manuele","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/200x200\/776a3ad9-f7d0-446b-8ae4-5179c0c24b85.png","userTitle":"Nutanix Employee","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"icon":"37a898b2-5836-48f7-8638-a2655ab662a1.png","iconUrl":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/37a898b2-5836-48f7-8638-a2655ab662a1.png","avatarIcon":"7e8707dd-f993-470f-800f-3adc68e91f02_thumb.png","avatarIconUrl":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/7e8707dd-f993-470f-800f-3adc68e91f02_thumb.png","name":"Nutanix Employee","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":2},"content":" \u00a0<\/p> Mike<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/ahv-cvm-console-access-from-cluster-demo-nutanix-com-40251?postid=59369#post59369","creationDate":"2021-10-25T10:37:30+0000","relativeCreationDate":"1 year ago"},"numberOfUnreadReplies":0,"numberOfReplies":1,"numberOfLikes":0,"relevantPost":{"id":59356,"author":{"id":113744,"url":"\/members\/joseparedespy-113744","name":"joseparedespy","avatar":"","userTitle":"Explorer","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Explorer","color":"#000000"},"userLevel":0},"content":" Hello Nutanix community!<\/p> I have a question about the ability to access the AHV\/CVM console from https:\/\/demo.nutanix.com\/ Now, with the advent of Nutanix Clusters (on AWS bare metal today) extending the capabilities enabled by the data protection suite to the public cloud is now a reality.\u00a0 Nutanix Clusters on AWS deploys the Nutanix HCI stack onto AWS bare metal instances.\u00a0 Provisioned via a customer portal customers can have a public cloud resident Nutanix Cluster operational in very short order.<\/p> At which point they\u2019re ready to leverage the public cloud as a part of their DR strategy; while maintaining a familiar operator experience:<\/p> \u00a0<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/nutanix-data-protection-to-the-power-of-public-cloud-39939?postid=58597#post58597","creationDate":"2021-08-19T18:41:34+0000","relativeCreationDate":"1 year ago"},"isTopicUnread":true,"privateId":42852,"id":39939,"type":"post","hasCurrentUserLiked":false,"isSticky":false,"features":[],"forum":{"id":149,"isIdeation":false,"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149","title":"Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2)","description":"Unify all your Private and Public Clouds"},"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/nutanix-data-protection-to-the-power-of-public-cloud-39939","title":"Nutanix Data Protection to the Power of Public Cloud","lastPost":{"id":58597,"author":{"id":114384,"url":"\/members\/roncoejr-114384","name":"roncoejr","avatar":"","userTitle":"Nutanix Employee","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"icon":"37a898b2-5836-48f7-8638-a2655ab662a1.png","iconUrl":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/37a898b2-5836-48f7-8638-a2655ab662a1.png","avatarIcon":"7e8707dd-f993-470f-800f-3adc68e91f02_thumb.png","avatarIconUrl":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/7e8707dd-f993-470f-800f-3adc68e91f02_thumb.png","name":"Nutanix Employee","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":0},"content":" Since its inception; the Nutanix platform has offered customers a robust set of data protection technologies.\u00a0 Many of our customers leverage these capabilities as a part of their DR strategy.<\/p> Now, with the advent of Nutanix Clusters (on AWS bare metal today) extending the capabilities enabled by the data protection suite to the public cloud is now a reality.\u00a0 Nutanix Clusters on AWS deploys the Nutanix HCI stack onto AWS bare metal instances.\u00a0 Provisioned via a customer portal customers can have a public cloud resident Nutanix Cluster operational in very short order.<\/p> At which point they\u2019re ready to leverage the public cloud as a part of their DR strategy; while maintaining a familiar operator experience:<\/p> \u00a0<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/nutanix-data-protection-to-the-power-of-public-cloud-39939?postid=58597#post58597","creationDate":"2021-08-19T18:41:34+0000","relativeCreationDate":"1 year ago"},"numberOfUnreadReplies":0,"numberOfReplies":0,"numberOfLikes":0,"relevantPost":{"id":58597,"author":{"id":114384,"url":"\/members\/roncoejr-114384","name":"roncoejr","avatar":"","userTitle":"Nutanix Employee","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"icon":"37a898b2-5836-48f7-8638-a2655ab662a1.png","iconUrl":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/37a898b2-5836-48f7-8638-a2655ab662a1.png","avatarIcon":"7e8707dd-f993-470f-800f-3adc68e91f02_thumb.png","avatarIconUrl":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/7e8707dd-f993-470f-800f-3adc68e91f02_thumb.png","name":"Nutanix Employee","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":0},"content":" Since its inception; the Nutanix platform has offered customers a robust set of data protection technologies.\u00a0 Many of our customers leverage these capabilities as a part of their DR strategy.<\/p> Now, with the advent of Nutanix Clusters (on AWS bare metal today) extending the capabilities enabled by the data protection suite to the public cloud is now a reality.\u00a0 Nutanix Clusters on AWS deploys the Nutanix HCI stack onto AWS bare metal instances.\u00a0 Provisioned via a customer portal customers can have a public cloud resident Nutanix Cluster operational in very short order.<\/p> At which point they\u2019re ready to leverage the public cloud as a part of their DR strategy; while maintaining a familiar operator experience:<\/p> \u00a0<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/nutanix-data-protection-to-the-power-of-public-cloud-39939?postid=58597#post58597","creationDate":"2021-08-19T18:41:34+0000","relativeCreationDate":"1 year ago"},"numberOfViews":71,"contentType":"discussion","featuredImage":"","publicLabel":"","category":{"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-infrastructure-75","categoryId":75,"title":"Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure","metaRobots":"index, follow","type":0},"lastPostId":"58597"},"isActivityPage":null,"showUnsubscribeBtn":null,"attachmentCdn":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/","isGuest":true,"csrfToken":"4fe2db0d3312c0c6a02ed862cf8d841fa6ee47af","hideCategoryMetadata":false,"phrases":{"Forum":{"thread.unsubscribe":"Unsubscribe","vraag":"Question","beantwoord":"Solved","topic.list.metadata.asked.in":"asked in","topic.list.metadata.published.in":"published in","topic.list.metadata.shared.in":"shared in","topic.list.metadata.posted.in":"posted in"}}}">
In AWS all the Nutanix rules still apply. We need a minimum of a three-node cluster to get started. If we have enough storage capacity, we can keep accepting replications from an on-prem cluster and not worry about CPU and memory constraints. You could also use your on-prem AHV supported backup software to backup directly to S3. Then when you have an outage, you could quickly build a Nutanix Cluster in AWS and start restoring the data to that cluster.<\/p> I was a asked to automate the process of adding nodes to a small Nutanix Cluster in AWS and then start a failover using Leap (DR runbooks) and X-play(automates actions based of events and alerts) in Prism Central (PC). \u00a0The below video is what I came up with.<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> The code to add a node via API from the Cluster portal is listed here: You can change the number of nodes that you want to add or just make the call multiple times.<\/p> The API call to the Leap \u2013 Recovery plan can be a little daunting. There is an easy way to get the code for it. In Google Chrome if you open the developer tools (Ctrl+Shift+I) and as you hit the failover button you will see the batch API request. The general section will give you the API call and the Payload section will have the API body if you view the parsed section. From here you just have to copy and past the code into X-play and you\u2019re on your way.<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> Once difference that I would make in the video is to change the event to fire when cluster services are down. There is really 100 different ways to do this. I think main point is that there is API for the Clusters portal and X-play is really flexible on responding to events and alerts. \u00a0When you combine the two, magic happens.<\/p> If you have questions, please leave comments.<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> Happy Clouding.<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/elastic-dr-with-aws-x-play-and-clusters-portal-api-39938?postid=58596#post58596","creationDate":"2021-08-19T16:15:39+0000","relativeCreationDate":"1 year ago"},"isTopicUnread":true,"privateId":42851,"id":39938,"type":"post","hasCurrentUserLiked":false,"isSticky":false,"features":[],"forum":{"id":149,"isIdeation":false,"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149","title":"Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2)","description":"Unify all your Private and Public Clouds"},"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/elastic-dr-with-aws-x-play-and-clusters-portal-api-39938","title":"Elastic DR with AWS (X-play and Clusters Portal API)","lastPost":{"id":58596,"author":{"id":33,"url":"\/members\/dlink7-33","name":"dlink7","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/90x90\/9i0A71A2D85CADA36B.jpg","userTitle":"Moderator","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Moderator","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":4},"content":" I make no bones about it, bare-metal nodes in AWS is pricey. The questions becomes if we want to save money and have DR with AWS, how do keep the number of nodes small until we failover?<\/p> In AWS all the Nutanix rules still apply. We need a minimum of a three-node cluster to get started. If we have enough storage capacity, we can keep accepting replications from an on-prem cluster and not worry about CPU and memory constraints. You could also use your on-prem AHV supported backup software to backup directly to S3. Then when you have an outage, you could quickly build a Nutanix Cluster in AWS and start restoring the data to that cluster.<\/p> I was a asked to automate the process of adding nodes to a small Nutanix Cluster in AWS and then start a failover using Leap (DR runbooks) and X-play(automates actions based of events and alerts) in Prism Central (PC). \u00a0The below video is what I came up with.<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> The code to add a node via API from the Cluster portal is listed here: You can change the number of nodes that you want to add or just make the call multiple times.<\/p> The API call to the Leap \u2013 Recovery plan can be a little daunting. There is an easy way to get the code for it. In Google Chrome if you open the developer tools (Ctrl+Shift+I) and as you hit the failover button you will see the batch API request. The general section will give you the API call and the Payload section will have the API body if you view the parsed section. From here you just have to copy and past the code into X-play and you\u2019re on your way.<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> Once difference that I would make in the video is to change the event to fire when cluster services are down. There is really 100 different ways to do this. I think main point is that there is API for the Clusters portal and X-play is really flexible on responding to events and alerts. \u00a0When you combine the two, magic happens.<\/p> If you have questions, please leave comments.<\/p> \u00a0<\/p> Happy Clouding.<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/elastic-dr-with-aws-x-play-and-clusters-portal-api-39938?postid=58596#post58596","creationDate":"2021-08-19T16:15:39+0000","relativeCreationDate":"1 year ago"},"numberOfUnreadReplies":0,"numberOfReplies":0,"numberOfLikes":2,"relevantPost":{"id":58596,"author":{"id":33,"url":"\/members\/dlink7-33","name":"dlink7","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/90x90\/9i0A71A2D85CADA36B.jpg","userTitle":"Moderator","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Moderator","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":4},"content":" I make no bones about it, bare-metal nodes in AWS is pricey. The questions becomes if we want to save money and have DR with AWS, how do keep the number of nodes small until we failover?<\/p> In AWS all the Nutanix rules still apply. We need a minimum of a three-node cluster to get started. If we have enough storage capacity, we can keep accepting replications from an on-prem cluster and not worry about CPU and memory constraints. You could also use your on-prem AHV supported backup software to backup directly to S3. Then when you have an outage, you could quickly build a Nutanix Cluster in AWS and start restoring the data to that cluster.<\/p> I was a asked to automate the process of adding nodes to a small Nutanix Cluster in AWS and then start a failover using Leap (DR runbooks) and X-play(automates actions based of events and alerts) in Prism Central (PC). \u00a0The below video is what I came up with.<\/p> Nutanix Clusters GovCloud enables United States government customers to run a secure Nutanix cluster on AWS GovCloud in adherence with the US government compliance regimes.<\/span><\/p> Nutanix Clusters GovCloud runs as a separate instance from the Nutanix Clusters commercial instance. To create a Nutanix cluster on AWS GovCloud, set up your AWS GovCloud account similar to an AWS commercial account. After you set up your AWS GovCloud account and complete the required documentation, the GovCloud Nutanix Operations team provides you access to the Nutanix Clusters GovCloud instance. You can then proceed to create a Nutanix cluster on AWS GovCloud as you would do on a commercial instance. Even though Nutanix Clusters GovCloud runs as a separate instance from the commercial instance, all features and workflows are identical to the commercial instance of Nutanix Clusters. See <\/span>Nutanix Clusters On AWS Deployment and User Guide<\/span><\/a> for more information.<\/span><\/p> You can create a Nutanix cluster in the following AWS GovCloud Regions:<\/span><\/p> AWS GovCloud (US-East)<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t AWS GovCloud (US-West)<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li><\/ul> See <\/span>AWS GovCloud Regions<\/span><\/a> for more information.<\/span><\/p> Ensure the following to fulfill the AWS GovCloud requirements:<\/span><\/p> Set up an AWS GovCloud account.<\/span> Perform the additional steps required to gain access to AWS GovCloud regions as described in <\/span>Getting Started with AWS GovCloud (US)<\/span><\/a>.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t Request for a service quota increase from AWS. See <\/span>Service Quotas<\/span><\/a> for more information.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li><\/ol> Ensure the following to fulfill the Nutanix Clusters GovCloud requirements:<\/span><\/p> Ensure that you fulfill and understand the requirements described in <\/span>Gov Cloud and FedRAMP<\/span><\/a>.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t Fill a questionnaire and submit it to the GovCloud Nutanix Operations team for approval. Once the approval goes through, the GovCloud Nutanix Operations team provides you access to the Nutanix Clusters GovCloud instance.<\/span> In AWS GovCloud, set up connectivity (VPN) and networking infrastructure (VPC, subnets, and so on) as described in <\/span>Requirements for Nutanix Clusters on AWS<\/span><\/a> and <\/span>Nutanix Clusters Infrastructure Deployment<\/span><\/a>.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li><\/ol> After you complete the necessary prerequisites and documentation, the GovCloud Nutanix Operations team provides you access to the Nutanix Clusters GovCloud instance.<\/span><\/p> Nutanix does not support the automatic application of licenses on clusters running on AWS GovCloud. Manually apply software-only (SWO) licenses to your clusters running on AWS GovCloud by using the Prism web console. You can apply either capacity-based licenses (CBL) or node-based licenses (NBL) SWO licenses.<\/span>Note:<\/strong> Nutanix Clusters on AWS GovCloud does not support the Pay As You Go and Cloud Commit billing models.<\/span><\/p> The following sections are release notes that apply from that date and reflect changes since the previous dated section.<\/span><\/p> This release notes includes content only related to Nutanix Clusters on AWS GovCloud.<\/span><\/p> See <\/span>Nutanix Clusters on AWS Release Notes<\/span><\/a> for more information about issues common to both Nutanix Clusters on AWS and Nutanix Clusters on AWS GovCloud.<\/span><\/p> What's New<\/em><\/p> Nutanix Clusters on AWS GovCloud is now generally available.<\/span><\/p> Known Issues<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\t<\/li><\/ul> Known issues are always for the current release.<\/span><\/p> Following are the known issues in this release:<\/span><\/p> When you expand the capacity of a cluster or remove a host, all the links for clusters portal might redirect to <\/span>https:\/\/console.nutanix.com\/clusters\/<\/span><\/a> instead of <\/span>console.nutanix.us<\/span><\/a>.<\/span>ENG-351112<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t You might not receive any emails about multiple alerts that appear in the Nutanix Clusters console notification center.<\/span>CLSTR-766<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t Welcome email that you receive after you subscribe to Nutanix Clusters has a reference to Nutanix Frame instead of Nutanix Clusters.<\/span>CLSTR-1408CLSTR-1436<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li><\/ul> Copyright 2021 Nutanix, Inc.<\/span><\/p> Nutanix, Inc.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t 1740 Technology Drive, Suite 150<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t San Jose, CA 95110<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li><\/ul> All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. Nutanix and the Nutanix logo are registered trademarks of Nutanix, Inc. in the United States and\/or other jurisdictions. All other brand and product names mentioned herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective holders.<\/span><\/p> The provision of this software to you does not grant any licenses or other rights under any Microsoft patents with respect to anything other than the file server implementation portion of the binaries for this software, including no licenses or any other rights in any hardware or any devices or software that are used to communicate with or in connection with this software.<\/span><\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/nutanix-clusters-on-aws-govcloud-supplement-39474?postid=57371#post57371","creationDate":"2021-04-22T00:18:45+0000","relativeCreationDate":"1 year ago"},"isTopicUnread":true,"privateId":42745,"id":39474,"type":"post","hasCurrentUserLiked":false,"isSticky":false,"features":[],"forum":{"id":149,"isIdeation":false,"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149","title":"Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2)","description":"Unify all your Private and Public Clouds"},"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/nutanix-clusters-on-aws-govcloud-supplement-39474","title":"Nutanix Clusters on AWS Govcloud Supplement","lastPost":{"id":57371,"author":{"id":103695,"url":"\/members\/ashwin-ramaswamy-103695","name":"ashwin.ramaswamy","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/200x200\/30f1c9a7-34fc-4e7a-b225-86c4aadeac03.png","userTitle":"Nutanix Employee","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"icon":"37a898b2-5836-48f7-8638-a2655ab662a1.png","iconUrl":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/37a898b2-5836-48f7-8638-a2655ab662a1.png","avatarIcon":"7e8707dd-f993-470f-800f-3adc68e91f02_thumb.png","avatarIconUrl":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/7e8707dd-f993-470f-800f-3adc68e91f02_thumb.png","name":"Nutanix Employee","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":3},"content":" Nutanix Clusters GovCloud enables United States government customers to run a secure Nutanix cluster on AWS GovCloud in adherence with the US government compliance regimes.<\/span><\/p> Nutanix Clusters GovCloud runs as a separate instance from the Nutanix Clusters commercial instance. To create a Nutanix cluster on AWS GovCloud, set up your AWS GovCloud account similar to an AWS commercial account. After you set up your AWS GovCloud account and complete the required documentation, the GovCloud Nutanix Operations team provides you access to the Nutanix Clusters GovCloud instance. You can then proceed to create a Nutanix cluster on AWS GovCloud as you would do on a commercial instance. Even though Nutanix Clusters GovCloud runs as a separate instance from the commercial instance, all features and workflows are identical to the commercial instance of Nutanix Clusters. See <\/span>Nutanix Clusters On AWS Deployment and User Guide<\/span><\/a> for more information.<\/span><\/p> You can create a Nutanix cluster in the following AWS GovCloud Regions:<\/span><\/p> AWS GovCloud (US-East)<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t AWS GovCloud (US-West)<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li><\/ul> See <\/span>AWS GovCloud Regions<\/span><\/a> for more information.<\/span><\/p> Ensure the following to fulfill the AWS GovCloud requirements:<\/span><\/p> Set up an AWS GovCloud account.<\/span> Perform the additional steps required to gain access to AWS GovCloud regions as described in <\/span>Getting Started with AWS GovCloud (US)<\/span><\/a>.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t Request for a service quota increase from AWS. See <\/span>Service Quotas<\/span><\/a> for more information.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li><\/ol> Ensure the following to fulfill the Nutanix Clusters GovCloud requirements:<\/span><\/p> Ensure that you fulfill and understand the requirements described in <\/span>Gov Cloud and FedRAMP<\/span><\/a>.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\t Fill a questionnaire and submit it to the GovCloud Nutanix Operations team for approval. Once the approval goes through, the GovCloud Nutanix Operations team provides you access to the Nutanix Clusters GovCloud instance.<\/span> In AWS GovCloud, set up connectivity (VPN) and networking infrastructure (VPC, subnets, and so on) as described in <\/span>Requirements for Nutanix Clusters on AWS<\/span><\/a> and <\/span>Nutanix Clusters Infrastructure Deployment<\/span><\/a>.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li><\/ol> After you complete the necessary prerequisites and documentation, the GovCloud Nutanix Operations team provides you access to the Nutanix Clusters GovCloud instance.<\/span><\/p>
NCM (Nutanix Clusters on Azure)\u00a0utilizes Flow Networking to create an overlay network in Azure to ease administration for Nutanix administrators and reduce networking constraints across Cloud vendors.\u00a0 Flow Networking is used to abstract the Azure native network by creating overlay virtual networks. On the one hand this abstracts the underlying network in Azure, while at the same time, it allows the network substrate (and its associated features and functionalities) to be consistent with the customer\u2019s on-premise Nutanix deployments.<\/p>\u00a0<\/h1>
NCM (Nutanix Clusters on Azure)\u00a0utilizes Flow Networking to create an overlay network in Azure to ease administration for Nutanix administrators and reduce networking constraints across Cloud vendors.\u00a0 Flow Networking is used to abstract the Azure native network by creating overlay virtual networks. On the one hand this abstracts the underlying network in Azure, while at the same time, it allows the network substrate (and its associated features and functionalities) to be consistent with the customer\u2019s on-premise Nutanix deployments.<\/p>\u00a0<\/h1>
NCM (Nutanix Clusters on Azure)\u00a0utilizes Flow Networking to create an overlay network in Azure to ease administration for Nutanix administrators and reduce networking constraints across Cloud vendors.\u00a0 Flow Networking is used to abstract the Azure native network by creating overlay virtual networks. On the one hand this abstracts the underlying network in Azure, while at the same time, it allows the network substrate (and its associated features and functionalities) to be consistent with the customer\u2019s on-premise Nutanix deployments.<\/p>
Is the experience limited to the Prism GUI or can we also access the cluster console?<\/p>
Thanks<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/ahv-cvm-console-access-from-cluster-demo-nutanix-com-40251?postid=59356#post59356","creationDate":"2021-10-23T17:22:46+0000","relativeCreationDate":"1 year ago"},"isTopicUnread":true,"privateId":24276,"id":40251,"type":"post","hasCurrentUserLiked":false,"isSticky":false,"features":[{"id":"isAnswered","label":"beantwoord"}],"forum":{"id":149,"isIdeation":false,"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149","title":"Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2)","description":"Unify all your Private and Public Clouds"},"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/ahv-cvm-console-access-from-cluster-demo-nutanix-com-40251","title":"AHV\/CVM console access from Cluster demo.nutanix.com","lastPost":{"id":59369,"author":{"id":96368,"url":"\/members\/michael-manuele-96368","name":"Michael.Manuele","avatar":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/icon\/200x200\/776a3ad9-f7d0-446b-8ae4-5179c0c24b85.png","userTitle":"Nutanix Employee","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"icon":"37a898b2-5836-48f7-8638-a2655ab662a1.png","iconUrl":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/37a898b2-5836-48f7-8638-a2655ab662a1.png","avatarIcon":"7e8707dd-f993-470f-800f-3adc68e91f02_thumb.png","avatarIconUrl":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/7e8707dd-f993-470f-800f-3adc68e91f02_thumb.png","name":"Nutanix Employee","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":2},"content":"
Is the experience limited to the Prism GUI or can we also access the cluster console?<\/p>
Thanks<\/p>","url":"\/nutanix-cloud-clusters-nc2-149\/ahv-cvm-console-access-from-cluster-demo-nutanix-com-40251?postid=59356#post59356","creationDate":"2021-10-23T17:22:46+0000","relativeCreationDate":"1 year ago"},"numberOfViews":72,"contentType":"question","featuredImage":"","publicLabel":"","category":{"url":"\/nutanix-cloud-infrastructure-75","categoryId":75,"title":"Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure","metaRobots":"index, follow","type":0},"lastPostId":"59369"},"isActivityPage":null,"showUnsubscribeBtn":null,"attachmentCdn":"https:\/\/uploads-us-west-2.insided.com\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/","isGuest":true,"csrfToken":"4fe2db0d3312c0c6a02ed862cf8d841fa6ee47af","hideCategoryMetadata":false,"phrases":{"Forum":{"thread.unsubscribe":"Unsubscribe","vraag":"Question","beantwoord":"Solved","topic.list.metadata.asked.in":"asked in","topic.list.metadata.published.in":"published in","topic.list.metadata.shared.in":"shared in","topic.list.metadata.posted.in":"posted in"}}}">
https:\/\/github.com\/dlessner\/ClustersAddNode\/blob\/main\/addnode.py<\/a><\/p>AWS GovCloud Regions<\/span><\/a><\/h1>
AWS GovCloud Prerequisites<\/span><\/a><\/h1>
Set up your AWS GovCloud account with the same permissions and requirements as described in <\/span>Requirements for Nutanix Clusters on AWS.<\/span><\/a>.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\tNutanix Clusters GovCloud Prerequisites<\/span><\/a><\/h1>
Contact your sales team for the questionnaire.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\tNutanix Clusters GovCloud Onboarding<\/span><\/a><\/h1>
Nutanix Clusters GovCloud Licensing<\/span><\/a><\/h1>
Release Notes<\/span><\/a><\/h1>
March 1, 2021<\/strong><\/h2>
Known Issues<\/span><\/a><\/h2>
AWS GovCloud Regions<\/span><\/a><\/h1>
AWS GovCloud Prerequisites<\/span><\/a><\/h1>
Set up your AWS GovCloud account with the same permissions and requirements as described in <\/span>Requirements for Nutanix Clusters on AWS.<\/span><\/a>.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\tNutanix Clusters GovCloud Prerequisites<\/span><\/a><\/h1>
Contact your sales team for the questionnaire.<\/span><\/p>\t<\/li>\tNutanix Clusters GovCloud Onboarding<\/span><\/a><\/h1>
Nutanix Clusters GovCloud Licensing<\/span><\/a><\/h1>