您能否请我指向一个文档,其中包含_detailed _描述用于工作的PD恢复文件的网络要求,以及_detailed _ defficted _描述在故障转移期间如何处理网络?
The reason I’m asking is that I’m planning PD for Files, and I need to understand the networking side of that, i.e. how Storage and Client networking are being handled during the failover to the other cluster, where the networking is different (different datacentre). Do I pre-configure portgroups to connect to in advance, as well as the IP-s to assign?, and AOS/Files handle this automatically during the failover? Or is this a “wizard”-driven workflow where I specify portgroups and IPs? Or is there a requirement for stretched VLAN-s for both Client and Storage networks? I wasn’t able to find and deatiled information on that, so am askign for your help.
When you chose to Activate Files Server on a DR site you are prompted to put in IP address ranges, port groups and such which means that you do need to have that information ready and port groups configured, DNS and AD working at the DR before you activate the FS.<\/p>
Nutanix Files User Guide: Activating a File Server<\/a><\/p> To enable Files DR you will need to pair sites as part of Data Protection first. For that, the two clusters must be able to communicate via their VIPs. How you choose to achieve (via VPN, stretched VLAN, MPLS, VPLS or even SSH tunnel (not recommended as a primary option)) we leave up to you to choose. There\u2019s more than one way to skin the cat, right?<\/p> The overview of the process is, you add Remote Site in the Data Protection tab. Add Protection domain for Files (should be created during FS creation). If it is, edit it and add the remote site in there.<\/p> Arrange networking on the remote site for the FS activation. Activate. Data Protection and Recovery with Prism Element: Configuring a Remote Site (Physical Cluster)<\/a><\/p> Data Protection and Disaster Recovery: Backup and Disaster Recovery on Remote Sites<\/a><\/p>
I\u2019ll add some documents that I think could be useful below.<\/p>