The 2022 IT Salary & Skills Survey is now open, and you can participate!<\/strong> <\/span><\/p>

This survey is one of the largest studies of IT salary, skills, and certifications. It\u2019s the backbone of Skillsoft\u2019s annual IT Skills and Salary Report, which shares detailed insights on skills and certifications, compensation, skills gaps and challenges, and more for IT professionals at every stage of their career.<\/span><\/p>

The survey typically takes 10-15 minutes to complete. You can bookmark your progress and pick up where you left off within one week of starting the survey. It\u2019s also completely anonymous. Skillsoft doesn\u2019t sell the data or share it with others.\u00a0<\/p>

Participating in the survey is a great way to share how Nutanix certification and training has impacted your career. <\/span>Plus, anyone who completes the survey can enter to win a $100 gift card! <\/em><\/p>

Take the survey today!<\/strong><\/a><\/h3>


This article was written by Karlie Beil, Customer Marketing Specialist.\u00a0<\/p><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/section>


\u00a9\ufe0f\ufe0f\ufe0f\ufe0f\ufe0f\ufe0f 2022 Nutanix, Inc. \u00a0All rights reserved. Nutanix, the Nutanix logo and all Nutanix product, feature and service names mentioned herein are registered trademarks or trademarks of Nutanix, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Other brand names mentioned herein are for identification purposes only and may be the trademarks of their respective holder(s). This post may contain links to external websites that are not part of Nutanix does not control these sites and disclaims all responsibility for the content or accuracy of any external site. Our decision to link to an external site should not be considered an endorsement of any content on such a site. This post may contain express and implied forward-looking statements, which are not historical facts and are instead based on our current expectations, estimates and beliefs. The accuracy of such statements involves risks and uncertainties and depends upon future events, including those that may be beyond our control, and actual results may differ materially and adversely from those anticipated or implied by such statements. Any forward-looking statements included herein speak only as of the date hereof and, except as required by law, we assume no obligation to update or otherwise revise any of such forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.<\/p>","id":40862,"featuredImage":"https:\/\/\/nutanix-us\/attachment\/1b5db37d-c54b-4002-8bee-065c799897b2_thumb.png","label":"Blog","replyCount":0,"views":243,"post":{"id":61075,"author":{"id":113632,"url":"\/members\/karlie-beil-113632","name":"Karlie Beil","avatar":"https:\/\/\/nutanix-us\/icon\/200x200\/1581aab3-bcf6-49f4-b2fb-3d11e8c010dc.png","userTitle":"Community Manager","rank":{"isBold":false,"isItalic":false,"isUnderline":false,"name":"Community Manager","color":"#0873ba"},"userLevel":2},"content":"

The 2022 IT Salary & Skills Survey is now open, and you can participate!<\/strong> <\/span><\/p>

This survey is one of the largest studies of IT salary, skills, and certifications. It\u2019s the backbone of Skillsoft\u2019s annual IT Skills and Salary Report, which shares detailed insights on skills and certifications, compensation, skills gaps and challenges, and more for IT professionals at every stage of their career.<\/span><\/p>

The survey typically takes 10-15 minutes to complete. You can bookmark your progress and pick up where you left off within one week of starting the survey. It\u2019s also completely anonymous. Skillsoft doesn\u2019t sell the data or share it with others.\u00a0<\/p>

Participating in the survey is a great way to share how Nutanix certification and training has impacted your career. <\/span>Plus, anyone who completes the survey can enter to win a $100 gift card! <\/em><\/p>

Take the survey today!<\/strong><\/a><\/h3>


This article was written by Karlie Beil, Customer Marketing Specialist.\u00a0<\/p><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/section>


\u00a9\ufe0f\ufe0f\ufe0f\ufe0f\ufe0f\ufe0f 2022 Nutanix, Inc. \u00a0All rights reserved. Nutanix, the Nutanix logo and all Nutanix product, feature and service names mentioned herein are registered trademarks or trademarks of Nutanix, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Other brand names mentioned herein are for identification purposes only and may be the trademarks of their respective holder(s). This post may contain links to external websites that are not part of Nutanix does not control these sites and disclaims all responsibility for the content or accuracy of any external site. Our decision to link to an external site should not be considered an endorsement of any content on such a site. This post may contain express and implied forward-looking statements, which are not historical facts and are instead based on our current expectations, estimates and beliefs. The accuracy of such statements involves risks and uncertainties and depends upon future events, including those that may be beyond our control, and actual results may differ materially and adversely from those anticipated or implied by such statements. Any forward-looking statements included herein speak only as of the date hereof and, except as required by law, we assume no obligation to update or otherwise revise any of such forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.<\/p>","url":"\/education-blog-153\/add-your-voice-to-the-it-skills-and-salary-survey-40862?postid=61075#post61075","creationDate":"2022-05-12T20:00:15+0000","relativeCreationDate":"1 month ago"},"contentType":"article","type":3,"likes":0,"hasCurrentUserLiked":false},"phrases":{"Forum":{"{n} year|{n} years":"{n} year|{n} years","{n} month|{n} months":"{n} month|{n} months","{n} day|{n} days":"{n} day|{n} days","{n} hour|{n} hours":"{n} hour|{n} hours","{n} minute|{n} minutes":"{n} minute|{n} minutes","just":"just now","{plural} ago":"{plural} ago"}}}">


无法通过API 3.0克隆VM

徽章“title= +1




我通过两种方法获得VM UUID,我认为我会得到同样的uuid


2)当控制台URL时,使用uuid =“字符串”


给定的输入无效。无法指定VM UUID,使用IDEMPOTENCE标识符获取UUID







hey,\u00a0@Balram<\/user-mention>\u00a0here are more details about the \u201c\/idempotence_identifiers<\/strong>\u201d REST API:\u00a0https:\/\/\/reference\/prism_central\/v3\/api\/idempotence-identifiers\/postidempotenceidentifiers\/<\/a><\/p>


Using the above POST method you can get the idempotence identifier<\/strong> of the VM.\u00a0<\/p>

Also as the above documentation suggests\u00a0It is mandatory to provide the count for how many identifiers we need and the lifetime until we can use it in the POST \u201c\/idempotence_identifiers<\/strong>\u201d\u00a0API.\u00a0<\/p>

Below is an example with CURL:

anish.singhwalia@C02XF4HA:~$ curl -k -X POST --header \"Content-Type: application\/json\" --header\u00a0<\/p>

\"Accept: application\/json\" --header \"Authorization: Basic AYWtrr7y23TnV0YW5peC8\" -d \"{
\\\"count\\\": 1,
\\\"valid_duration_in_minutes\\\": 527040
}\" \"https:\/\/\/api\/nutanix\/v3\/idempotence_identifiers\"
{\"client_identifier\": null, \"count\": 1, \"expiration_time\": \"2020-12-23T07:59:57Z\", \"uuid_list\": [\"a1d6b81b-a76c-495c-9a71-508167f810dd<\/strong>\"]}<\/p>

We can use now the returned idempotence identifier(a1d6b81b-a76c-495c-9a71-508167f810dd<\/strong>) in the \/clone API<\/strong>

anish.singhwalia@C02XF4HA::~$ curl -k -X POST --header \"Content-Type: application\/json\" --header \"Accept: application\/json\" --header \"Authorization: Basic AYWtrr7y23TnV0YW5peC8\" -d \"{
\\\"metadata\\\": {
\\\"uuid\\\": \\\"a1d6b81b-a76c-495c-9a71-508167f810dd<\/strong>\\\"
}\" \"
{\"task_uuid\": \"9bb26a3e-18cf-4fea-941a-cfe5e542c076<\/strong>\"}<\/p>


Now we can check the above task details\u00a0and identify the UUID of the cloned VM:

anish.singhwalia@C02XF4HA:~$ curl -k -X GET --header \"Accept: application\/json\" --header \"Authorization: Basic AYWtrr7y23TnV0YW5peC8\" \"
{\"status\": \"SUCCEEDED\", \"last_update_time\": \"2019-12-23T08:01:31Z\", \"logical_timestamp\": 2, \"entity_reference_list\": [{\"kind\": \"vm\", \"uuid\": \"a1d6b81b-a76c-495c-9a71-508167f810dd<\/strong>\"}], \"start_time\": \"2019-12-23T08:01:18Z\", \"creation_time\": \"2019-12-23T08:01:18Z\", \"start_time_usecs\": 1577088078927590, \"cluster_reference\": {\"kind\": \"cluster\", \"uuid\": \"r4fd3d69-3df4-5g3d-448e-6b9312655365<\/strong>\"}, \"subtask_reference_list\": [], \"completion_time\": \"2019-12-23T08:01:31Z\", \"creation_time_usecs\": 1577088078874113, \"progress_message\": \"//\", \"operation_type\": \"ProcessVmClone\", \"completion_time_usecs\": 1577088091347015, \"percentage_complete\": 100, \"api_version\": \"3.1\", \"uuid\": \"9bb26a3e-18cf-4fea-941a-cfe5e542c076<\/strong>\"}<\/p>


I hope the above clarifies the procedure and helps you\u00a0@Balram<\/user-mention>\u00a0.<\/p>

Let me know if you need anything else.\":sweat_smile:\"<\/p>








嘿, @balram以下是有关“/idempotence_Identifiers” REST API:


同样,正如上面的文档所表明的那样,必须为我们需要多少标识符和寿命提供计数,直到我们可以在帖子中使用它为止”/idempotence_Identifiers” API。


anish.singhwalia@c02xf4ha:〜$ curl -k -k -x帖子-HEADER -HEADER“ content -type:application/json” - 负责人

\“ count \”:1,
\“有效_duration_in_minutes \”:527040
{“ client_identifier”:null,“ count”:1,“ expiration_time”:“ 2020-12-23T07:59:57Z”,“ uuid_list”:[A1D6B81B-A76C-495C-9A71-508167F810DD”]]}

我们现在可以使用返回的IDEMPOTENCE标识符(A1D6B81B-A76C-495C-9A71-508167F810DD) 在里面/克隆API

anish.singhwalia@c02xf4ha ::〜$ curl -k -k -x post -header“ content -type:application/json” - -header“ convage:application/json” - -header“ - -HEADER”授权:基本AYWTRR7Y23TNV0YW5PEC8” -D
\“ uuid \”:\”A1D6B81B-A76C-495C-9A71-508167F810DD\”
{“ task_uuid”:”9BB26A3E-18CF-4FEA-941A-CFE5E542C076“}


anish.singhwalia@c02xf4ha:〜$ curl -k -k -x get -header“ Accept:application/json” - -Header“授权:基本AYWTRR7Y23TNV0YW5PEC8”“”https://10.136.10769:9440/api/nutanix/v3/tasks/9BB26A3E-18CF-4FEA-941A-CFE5E542C076
{“状态”:“成功”,“ last_update_time”:“ 2019-12-23T08:01:31Z”,“ logical_timestamp”:2,“ entity_reference_list”:[{and and off {n-nick'':“”:“ vm”,“ uuid”,“ uuid”:uuid“:”:“”:“”:“”:“”:“”:A1D6B81B-A76C-495C-9A71-508167F810DD“}],“ start_time”:“ 2019-12-23T08:01:18Z”,“ creation_time”:“ 2019-12-23T08:01:18Z”,“ start_time_usecs”:157770808078078927590:“群集”,“ uuid”:“”R4FD3D69-3DF4-5G3D-448E-6B9312655365“},” subtask_reference_list“:[],“ plote_time”:“ 2019-12-23T08:01:31Z”,“ creation_time_usecs”:15777088078874113,“ progress_message”::1577088091347015,“ percentage_complete”:100,“ api_version”:“ 3.1”,“ uuid”:“”9BB26A3E-18CF-4FEA-941A-CFE5E542C076“}

我希望以上阐明该程序并为您提供帮助 @balram


徽章“title= +1


徽章“title= +1

你好 @anishwalia20


是否有任何方法可以通过API 3在状态下设置权力(在API 2中,它在那里,但它的旧且弃用不起作用)


