
Prism Pro是否有必要使用Nutanix Flow?

  • 2021年7月2日
  • 1回复
  • 51的观点

Prism Pro需要使用Nutanix Flow吗?或者我可以使用Prism吗?



If your question is more about whether Prism Pro licensing is needed for Flow to work or can it work on Prism (AOS) licensing, then in this case\u00a0you will need an add-On\u00a0Flow license\u00a0(separate from Prism (AOS) and Prism Pro license). If you have not installed a Flow license yet, then you can try this feature for a period of 60 days. After this period expires, you will be required to install flow license to continue using the feature. Kindly refer to Add-Ons Licensing<\/a> guide on Portal for more details about Flow licensing.\u00a0<\/p>

Also, in case if your question was more about whether Prism Central is needed for Flow to work or can you use Flow only with Prism Element cluster, then the answer is no. You will need to have Prism Central in your cluster in order to use Flow. For more details, please refer\u00a0to the Flow Requirements<\/a> documentation available on Nutanix Support Portal.\u00a0<\/p>

Kindly let me know if you have any more questions on this one!<\/p>





Userlevel 2
徽章 +4

如果您的问题更多的是关于流是否需要Prism Pro许可,或者它是否可以在Prism (AOS)许可上工作,那么在这种情况下,您将需要一个附加流许可(独立于Prism (AOS)和Prism Pro许可)。如果您还没有安装Flow许可证,那么您可以在60天内试用此特性。在此期限到期后,您将需要安装流程许可证才能继续使用该特性。请参考附加许可关于Flow许可的更多细节。

此外,如果你的问题更多是关于是否需要Prism Central才能让Flow工作,或者你能否只在Prism Element集群中使用Flow,那么答案是否定的。为了使用Flow,您需要在集群中设置Prism Central。有关详情,请参阅流需求文档可以在Nutanix支持门户网站上获得。

