
徽章 +1



徽章 +29
徽章 +1
Hi,我们要去不同地点Nutanix集群(前10节)处理VDI基础设施内的不同任务,所以我们使用链式克隆桌面,这些桌面将在每次日志关闭后销毁,全克隆桌面持久化。如果发生灾难,我们将在超值位置推出更多链式克隆桌面,因此此假设无需采取行动。但对于全克隆桌面池,我们搭建了2个保护域,每120分钟复制VMs都活动位置,所以没有初级或二级位置So the full clone Desktop from Site A will be replicated to Site B and the other way round.Our Horizon Infrastructure in short:- We have two VMware Connection server (one in each location) which are behind a loadbalancer which are responsible for both sides.- In each location we have a vCenter Server Appliance running which manage the local Nutanix Cluster (VMware 6.0)During the logon of a VDI User the Connection Server gets the information from the Desktop pool configuration, if its VM is running within vCenter A (Site A) or vCenter b (Site and will redirect the session to the correct Site.When we will migrate the VMs from Site A to Site B, Prism will shutdown the VMs, will do a last sync, unregister the VM from the ESXi Host and register the VM on an ESXi Server at Site B.本步骤运作良好,唯一遗漏特征是所有迁移VMs都停运到PowerState恢复时PowerState将恢复会很好。对于我们的设想,不需要VM自动供电,因为通常连接服务器本身对VM自动供电,如果他们停电的话。连接服务器不识别网站A与vCenterA移到网站B和vCenterB,因此PowerOn动作发送错误VCenter,我们从VMwareESXi任务和事件日志中看到任务将每隔几秒发送到dentervCenter,直到VM人工供电,VM内桌面代理向连接服务器发送上运行状态From now on the User can login to his VM, but only if the vCenter from Site A and all ESXi Host from Site A will be available and all migrated VMs will be listed as orphaned.The connection server still things the VM is located within Site A, but in case that the Desktop Agent is alive, the connection will directly redirected to the VM.But from the moment we delete the orphaned VMs within vCenter A, or we shutdown the vCenter and all Hosts within Site A to simulate a complete outage from Site A, there is no connection to the VDI Desktop VM possible.I fact, we have successfully migrated all VMs without any data lose from Site A to Site B, or in case of a disaster with a maximum delta of 120 minutes to the other side, but we are not able to use the migrated Desktop VDI VMs.I hope this will help you to understand my situation.If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.ThanksMarkus
徽章 +5

类似需求(2站点,主动/主动) 但不使用Async,而是使用MetroAvility表示有二分NTNX集群,单视距集群, View没有问题显而易见,它有一些额外的管理费(你需要良好的广域网链路,我们有黑菲博尔 ~1.5ms延时)加加使管理VM略为难点 办不到非磁数据存储器上连通克隆, View不显示数据存储器,如果所有主机都看不见数据存储器)对我们而言 整体解决方案效果很好

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