
IT行业分析师Steve McDowell在此技术晴雨表播客领域中说,客户和竞争对手在交易中受益匪浅。

杰森·洛佩兹(Jason Lopez)

杰森·洛佩兹(Jason Lopez)2022年11月3日


“ Broadcom的业务模型是采用一系列已经成熟的技术,并将其带入折叠并尝试提取最大价值,” Moor Insights&Strategy的数据和存储高级分析师Steve McDowell说。





这导致Nutanix建立了网页因此,IT专业人员可以探索选项。Broadcom首席执行官Hock Tan在10月份表示博客文章自5月份宣布这笔交易以来,他与之交谈的客户最重要的是“多云,云的应用程序和价格”。





杰森·洛佩兹(Jason Lopez):这是技术晴雨表播客。我是杰森·洛佩兹(Jason Lopez)。自2022年5月以来,Broadcom对VMware的收购就一直在桌面上,分析师已经用一系列见解描述了购买的购买,并指出这笔交易对投资者来说是一项好方面的一项,但是有些人质疑像Broadcom这样的硬件公司是否准备好成为您的交易软件公司。但是,也许最相关的问题似乎是客户可以期望的VMware。我们与史蒂夫·麦克道威尔(Steve McDowell)进行了交谈,他是一名高级分析师,研究了摩尔见解和战略的存储和数据,并从有关客户的问题开始。

史蒂夫·麦克道威尔:我认为VMware客户之间存在很多恐惧和不确定性。他们不知道Broadcom将如何处理资产。而且,如果您查看Broadcom通常做什么的事情是,自2010年以来,他们进行了17次收购。Broadcom的商业模式是采用一系列在很大程度上成熟的技术。而且,如果您查看VMware的虚拟化核心vSphere业务,它适合该模型。目前,该技术已有近20年的历史,但是它们采用了这些技术已大大成熟并将其带入折叠状态,并试图从中提取最大价值。现在,我认为短期内对VMware客户和运输产品没有任何影响。我认为不确定性出现的是Broadcom对这么长期的影响?通常,当您将某些东西带入并将其视为商品时,您将对产品进行逐步改进,并保持其活力并保持其相关性并保持最新状态。但是,在伟德国际 391这种情况下,我们看不到很多是长期的创新。而且您知道,近年来VMware一直在推动很多创新,而担心这将是一边。 The other element of this is how are VMware employees looking at this? Part of what Broadcom will undoubtedly do is try to, uh, you know, kind of synergize across the organization. So, you know, if I'm in a sales and marketing role at VMware, I'm gonna worry if I'm an engineer and suddenly my stock options look very different, in a Broadcom scenario, there's fear that there may be brain drain within the organization. We don't know what's going to happen, but those are the kind of things that are on people's minds.



杰森·洛佩兹(Jason Lopez):嗯,这如何适应许多企业软件的开发方式?您知道,其中很多不仅是从货架上卖出的,而且是长期合作伙伴关系的结果。然后是锁定的想法。您对这些动态有何意识?


杰森·洛佩兹(Jason Lopez):当您谈论选项时,您到底是什么意思?

史蒂夫·麦克道威尔:此时,VMware的价值除了核心虚拟化部分,您知道,我正在抽象我的基础架构,现在每个数据中心,现在的每个IT基础架构现在都是虚拟的。以及控制数据平面和控制平面的软件,在某些情况下,即VMware Cloud Foundation和其他情况,即Nutanix产品。除了这两个之外,列表变得非常非常紧密,下面有不太可信的球员。因此,我认为对于VMware竞争对手来说,这将是一个巨大的机会,仅仅是因为他们没有同样的污名和面临的不确定性。

杰森·洛佩兹(Jason Lopez):Broadcom做什么?我想这样的简单声音问题的上下文是,硬件公司正在添加CA和Symantec等软件公司以及现在的VMware。

史蒂夫·麦克道威尔:这是我认为Broadcom就是谁。Broadcom喜欢为数据中心提供基础架构组件。传统上,这是非常以硬件为中心的。他们为以太网开关,存储,网络等制作零件。但是,过去五年中,过去发生的事情甚至是朝着虚拟基础架构的趋势。人们越来越多的人转向云,对Broadcom及其投资组合产品和公司来说,越糟。72%的企业。我想我最近看到一项调查中有一个或多个云中的资产,还有它们是本地数据中心的东西。所有这些都通过软件定义的数据中心进行管理。这是非常真实的,我认为Broadcom意识到了这一点,他们开始将更多的软件公司带入其中。 VMware is an example, right? So VMware is now part of the virtual data center. Now, certainly back to your question, who is Broadcom? They wanna provide the infrastructure for your data center.



杰森·洛佩兹(Jason Lopez):嗯,技术领域中是否有一个示例可以近似我们在这里看的东西,以帮助我们了解此次收购的动态?

史蒂夫·麦克道威尔:我在2015年可以提出的最接近的例子,当您考虑存储时,您考虑了EMC,您想到了NetApp,那是两个存储公司。他们从九十年代初开始就出现了。他们发明了我们今天使用的大多数存储技术。戴尔将它们带入了折叠状态,并慢慢消除了该品牌。他们不再谈论EMC了。他们已经完全重塑了所有这些产品。这可能是我能想到的技术行业中最接近的模拟。UM,1999年,当您考虑互联网时,您想到了AOL。那是数以百万计的人的互联网,他们的愿望变得越来越大,他们最终与时代华纳有关,这完全摧毁了该公司。他们拿走了AOL的资产,并以其价值挤奶。 And today, believe it or not, it still exists. There's a little bit of a dial up business in rural communities that are using AOL portals, but the AOL that we knew went completely away. So I think that's an example of something that was definitional for certain class of people, for a certain class of users that was completely destroyed by an acquisition. Now we've seen acquisitions go the other way. We circle back to Dell EMC, We may have lost the EMC brand, but that technology is still alive and well. And those same engineers are still building those same products. When you look at where it goes, there's historical analogs, kind of both directions where I've destroyed a company and where I've, you know, evolved it and let it carry on.

杰森·洛佩兹(Jason Lopez):好吧,如果我们平衡这一点,我们正在谈论客户在Broadcom可能会做什么方面可能面临的风险。另一方面,Broadcom的人确实认为这是如此。如果他们没有进行尽职调查,他们就不会进行此购买。

史蒂夫·麦克道威尔:这里有赢家。这并不是全部缺点。对于Broadcom股东来说,这将是巨大的。每个上市公司都必须成长。我认为Broadcom是,如果您查看其空间中潜在收购的清单,那就很小。这些家伙在今天的比赛中占据了很多主导。因此,如果我正在寻找市场扩展,那么Man,VMware就很棒。我正在购买客户群。我正在购买稳定的收入。他们从挑战的角度看的是,VMware无法很好地管理其利润。 So you know, a lot of overhead and Broadcom, they've done it before, they're saying, we can bring these guys in, we can shave off the fat. We can maybe, and this is where it scares customers, maybe narrow the portfolio a little bit so that I'm providing just a core set of services. If they can hit the targets they've publicly talked about, it's gonna be really good for their shareholders and it's gonna be really good for a certain class of IT customers. If I'm buying virtualization today, I'm largely running VMware. Where it gets fuzzier is as I move away from that core set of virtualized functions or virtual machines and start looking at, you know, how do I manage a hybrid multi-cloud environment? VMware plays there and I think is as dominant as it is because of its legacy. That's where I worry, where Broadcom is not going to continue to see that as a priority and just kind of focus in on kind of the core commodity piece of the business.



杰森·洛佩兹(Jason Lopez):所以另一个问题要问您的意思,您提到了担心。你到底是什么意思?史蒂夫,您可以详细介绍一下吗?

史蒂夫·麦克道威尔:我认为,Broadcom的忧虑引起了很多关注。他们可以从现有资产中获得更高的回报。这就是吓人人的语言。也就是说:“哦,我们将把它视为一种商品。我们将停止创新。”因此,我正在跨云做某事。如果我做的是非常云原生的事情,专注于VMware,我认为Tanzu正在努力在云本地空间中取得广泛的成功。我要看替代解决方案。如果这是一场云本地游戏,我可能会开始查看Red Hat,OpenShift或IBM的产品或Nutanix。有些产品,没关系。 I need to solve a problem today and I'm not worried about what the company looks like three years from now, but others, when I'm embarking on new architectures around, you know, hybrid multi-cloud, I'm gonna want a partner that's going to be with me for 3, 5, 7 years because that's how long these things last. I wanna place a bet that's good for my organization, and that's the calculus that's going on in people's heads. To be fair to Broadcom and VMware, we all know what they're going to do. If I was buying Brocade parts 10 years ago I'm perfectly happy today. But that's not an industry kind of storage networking that looks for big leaps in innovation. We're still early days in how we manage this cloud driven infrastructure. You know, we're bringing Edge into the fold. We got as of service all of these different pieces, all with their different management planes. And it guy just wants simplicity, right? He wants one screen to push buttons. And, I'm gonna bet on a, on a stack that I know that the company who's providing it stands behind that. So, you know, if I'm looking at Broadcom, VMware, I think it's a pause. I think I'm not gonna make a decision until I see how it shakes out and I have an immediate need that's gonna be really good for VMware's competitors.

杰森·洛佩兹(Jason Lopez):史蒂夫·麦克道尔(Steve McDowell)是摩尔见解和战略的高级分析师。这是技术晴雨表播客。我是杰森·洛佩兹(Jason Lopez)。感谢收听。技术晴雨表是预测的生产,您可以在ForecastByNutanix.com上找到有关技术和技术人员的更多故事。


杰森·洛佩兹(Jason Lopez)是技术晴雨表的执行制片人,技术晴雨表是预测的播客渠道。他是互联社交媒体的创始人。以前,他曾是Podtech的执行制片人,也是NPR的记者。

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