

By Mamta Pandya and Mike Wronski
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Nutanix,Inc。很高兴地报告说,Coalfire Systems,Inc。(CoalFire)是一家付款卡行业合格的安全评估员(QSA)公司,已对基于软件的Nutanix®云平台的核心组件进行独立的技术评估,并找到that Nutanix solutions can be used by the customer to effectively provide support for PCI DSS payment entities’ objectives and requirements. This opinion applies to common scenarios such as merchant point-of-sale (POS) and many other payment card applications.

You can read thefull Coalfire opinion here



People want personal online profiles that offer a convenient way to deal with recurring payments or quick checkouts with saved credit card information. Unfortunately, credit card fraud has gotten exponentially worse over the years and retailers have been hot targets for these cyber attacks.

客户必须确信零售商和在线服务提供商正在采取适当的措施,以保护其敏感的卡信息免受违规的影响。最近民意调查sponsored by Centrify Corporation found that about 65 percent of victims report “loss of trust” with an organization as a result of a breach. This can result in reduced business and losing customers to more trustworthy competitors.

Merchant-based vulnerabilities may appear almost anywhere in the card-processing ecosystem including:

  • Point-of-Sale (POS) devices
  • 移动设备,个人计算机或服务器
  • 无线热点
  • web shopping applications
  • 基于纸张的存储系统
  • transmission of cardholder data to service providers
  • within remote access connections


为了解决这些问题,排名前五的支付卡公司JCB International,MasterCard,American Express,Discover Financial Services和Visa Inc.合并部队建立支付卡行业安全标准委员会(PCI SSC)。PCI SSC的使命是在保护客户和企业的同时管理付款处理。


PCI SSC established Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) to safeguard information. Compliance helps to alleviate vulnerabilities and protect cardholder data. These standards and security best practices must be adopted by the payment card brands for all entities that process, store, or transmit cardholder data and sensitive authentication data. Any business that transacts via credit card has a responsibility to ensure global payment account data security. Breaches do more than impact customers; they can have a big impact on a company's reputation.

Nutanix Enterprise Cloud for Retail

Nutanix, the recognized industry leader forhyperconverged infrastructure (HCI), provides a modern, cloud-like datacenter to power retail business transformation. Digitally enabled user experiences in retail require robust infrastructure, but with solutions that are easy, intelligent, resilient, and secure. Nutanix solutions support retailers and delight their end customers across channels and offer immersive personalized experiences in smart stores and ensure a connected digital supply chain.

Nutanix技术 - 一个很好的选择。
The Experts Weigh In.

Nutanix平台功能强大,灵活且可扩展到几乎所有环境。Coalfire- a trusted cybersecurity advisor - reviewed the Nutanix core software product for its efficacy in assisting payment card entities and PCI service providers with deployments that may be subject to assessment for the PCI DSS compliance. Coalfire assessed:

  • Nutanix核心平台 - 用于虚拟化和Kubernetes的HCI,AHV和Karbon软件的AOS软件以及用于管理的Prism软件。
  • Nutanix Flow software, which is network security built into AHV virtualization and managed through Prism Central.
  • Calm software, which provides application automation and lifecycle management for the Nutanix public clouds as part of the Nutanix platform.
  • Nutanix文件软件,一个扩展分布式文件存储解决方案支持服务器消息块(SMB)和Nutanix AOS顶部的网络文件系统(NFS)。
  • Nutanix对象软件,一种扩展,分布式简单存储服务(S3)兼容对象存储解决方案,在Nutanix AOS顶部。

Coalfire opines that the reviewed Nutanix solution can be effective in providing significant and substantial support for PCI DSS payment entities’ objectives and requirements.


Through a feature review and technical deep dive, Coalfire was able to evaluate the architectural integrity and completeness of Nutanix to support most of the technical controls in 11 of the 12 PCI DSS requirements.

According to Coalfire, Nutanix solutions can be effective in providing significant and substantial support for PCI DSS payment entities’ objectives and requirements. This opinion applies to common scenarios such as merchant point-of-sale (POS) and many other payment card applications.

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