
Protect Your Apps & Data

Prevent cyber attacks and data loss by applying a “zero trust” philosophy. The Nutanix Enterprise Cloud provides native platform hardening, security auditing and reporting, and protection from network threats.

Cyber Attacks are on the Rise


Complexity Causes Vulnerability

Modern data centers are complex. Complexity is the enemy of information security. Increased attention on the public and hybrid cloud will only increase that complexity.


Threats Are Growing Rapidly

Your data is valuable. Cyber attacks are growing in frequency and sophistication. Research shows a 350% growth in ransomware attacks alone.


Data Breaches Are Costly

78% of organizations have been victims of one or more successful cyberattacks, with each data breach costing an average of $3.86M.


On-premises IT security mechanisms differ from public cloud and from provider to provider, so these experts explain upfront best practices for keeping workloads protected.

4 Reasons You Should Be Moving Toward Zero-trust Security

Virtual machines and cloud computing are quickly eliminating traditional data security boundaries. The distributed nature of data across dissimilar IT environments has created new security challenges for enterprises.

Enterprises are Embracing "Zero Trust"

Zero Trust is a security design philosophy that assumes that any network, application, server, or user could be compromised versus designating trusted and untrusted categories of assets thus we must design our security protocols around that assumption.

Secure Development Lifecycle
Security starts with the software development process. Software should be continuously audited and tested for known vulnerabilities and secure design. Integration with operations helps ensure patching and upgrades can be performed in the least impactful way.

Platform Hardening / Automation
Security in the enterprise datacenter begins with a robust infrastructure foundation. Enterprises are incorporating automation into the process of maintaining a secure configuration of the infrastructure. This is to avoid human error and deliver seamless scalability without compromising security.

Network Microsegmentation
Policy is the new network security perimeter. Microsegmentation is the key to the application of “Zero Trust” at the network level. Fine-grained network policy limits applications and users to ONLY their needed resources - preventing the spread of malware or ransomware.

Identity and Access Management
Limiting what operators can do and see is critical to ensuring a lost or stolen credential isn’t used to gain access and steal data. Enterprises are implementing Role-Based Access Controls (RBAC) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) as another key part of Zero Trust.

Data-at-Rest Encryption
Whether it’s data loss prevention or compliance with regulatory mandates, data encryption is key to a cybersecurity strategy. By encrypting data-at-rest, the risk of loss via theft or security breach is greatly reduced.

Establishing and maintaining a security posture across the enterprise requires continuous security auditing, real-time reporting, and easy vulnerability remediation.

How it All Comes Together


With Nutanix, security begins with a robust software foundation built for hybrid cloud architectures. Nutanix starts with AOS as a hardened software platform for HCI and then builds on that foundation with features and functions to increase security posture and aid our customers with not just the prevention and detection of security threats but also helps to prevent data loss and ensure continuous business operations.

Learn More


Join this on-demand webinar to learn why private infrastructure you choose impacts your ability to protect your business from cyber threat and why it's important to not only remove complexity, increase efficiency, enable cloud-native use cases, and cut costs, but also ensure you’re well-prepared for increasingly sophisticated cyber threats.

Nutanix University:
Security and Governance

In this course, you’ll learn how our security capabilities work with Nutanix HCI to create a powerful security and governance solution.

What the Experts Are Saying

Security and Trust in your Nutanix Enterprise Cloud

Secure Your Operations Like a Pro

Securing Your Private Cloud with Flow, Beam, and Integrated AOS Features

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A Defense in Depth Strategy

Security in the enterprise datacenter begins with a robust infrastructure foundation. Read the solution brief to learn how Nutanix help address key security concerns


Take a Security-First Approach

To better fortify your front line of defense against security attacks, it’s important to look at your infrastructure and see if it utilizes a security-first approach. Simple and effective, security-first infrastructure tackles the pains associated with security management


Data-at-Rest Encryption Simplified

As cyber attackers become more sophisticated, business simply can't afford to have any vulnerable gaps. But too many overlook the all-important task of data encryption, which is critical to providing another countermeasure against breaches.


Securing Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops

Protecting VDI desktops and infrastructure VMs for your critical Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops deployment on AHV is easy, secure, and scalable.


Security at the Virtualization Layer

One of the benefits of virtualization is security; applications running in separate virtual machines are isolated from each other and, ideally, it is very hard for a compromised guest to attack other virtual machines running on the same host.


Preventing Ransomware

There is no single action, software solution, or security control that can completely safeguard your organization from ransomware. In this Nutanix Tech Brief, we outline Nutanix capabilities, industry best practices, and techniques to incorporate into your cybersecurity defense strategies when using Nutanix.


Hyperconverged Test Drive

Try the Industry-Leading Hyperconverged Infrastructure Today!


Virtual Bootcamp



Let’s Get Started!

See how the Nutanix Enterprise Cloud can take your IT to the next level.
